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1 year ago

Aang and Katara were traveling around the air temples and checking up on the air acolytes. They were now at the Southern Air Temple. This temple was specifically hard on Aang, since it was were he grew up.

Aang and Katara were walking around and they came to the hall of archives. It contained many books and scrolls filled with stories of previous airbenders. Katara walked around when one scroll in particular caught her eye.

She grabbed the scroll and looked at the seal which read "Liang". She opened up the scroll and looked at image of a beautiful Air Nomad.

"Avatar Liang," Aang said as he stood beside her. "She's my favorite Avatar. Monk Gyatso told me stories of many. But she stood out the most to me. She brought on a great era of peace in the world." Aang talked.

"She's beautiful." Katara said with astonishment.

"Yeah, she was also known for her beauty. Apparently everyone wanted to be with her. But she ended up falling in love her waterbending master, a man named Khan. She also created many airbending and waterbending moves." He went on.

"Sounds amazing. A lot like you and me don't you think?" Katara asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Oh yeah! I never taught about that." He said and then kissed her softly on the cheek. Katara blushed and smiled softly as she kept reading about Avatar Liang.

Present Day (3 months since Aang's disappearance)

Katara awoke from another nightmare. It was the same thing again. Dark forest, shadows, freaky spirits, and most importantly Aang.

Last night she had that huge argument with Zuko and left her feeling so empty inside.

She had to admit that Zuko had it really bad. But it made her mad that he tried to compare it when he shouldn't.

She walked to the dining hall to grab something to eat. When she came in however Toph looked up with a shocked look on her face.

Katara didn't catch that though. She looked at all the food on the table but didn't feel like eating any of it. She just kept making weird faces at it.

"Katara will you just sit down and eat your food," Sokka said.

She looked up at him, "It's just. I don't want to be rude but I feel like if I eat any of this I'll throw up. Again." She said with a shy tone.

"Okay? Then what do you want to eat?" Sokka asked with a raised eyebrow.

Katara put her hand on her chin and taught about it for a moment. "Ooh! I really want some egg custard!" She said out loud with a drooling face just thinking of the dish.

"I'll tell the cook," Iroh said as he got up to go to the kitchen.

Sokka looked at his sister and then remembered his egg custard was Aang's favorite meal. Is he corrected himself. He then looked over and saw a tear fall from Toph's face.

"Toph? What's wrong?" Toph turned her head away from him quickly, "Oh nothing. Just, um allergies."


After breakfast Katara went to the stables were Appa was. She brushed her face with his hair and it reminded her of Aang.

"Katara," she jumped at the sound of her name and turned around to find Toph. "Jeez Toph! You scared me."

"Sorry, but I need to talk to you," Katara knew that this couldn't be good given the tone in Toph's voice.
"What is it?" Katara nervously asked.

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