𝘗𝘢𝘳𝘵 10

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Finally, Oikawa lifts his head, disentangling himself from Iwaizumi to sit beside him on the ground. Iwaizumi feels cold without his presence, but doesn't comment, nudging Oikawa's knee, "Look, I found some books that might be helpful."

"You found demonology books?" Oikawa gasps, grasping at the first book he finds.

"I found a couple books on the occult, a lot on the dangers of black magic, and some stuff on witches."

Oikawa deflates slightly, but he leafs through the book in hand, "I guess it's a start."

"More than the other libraries." Iwaizumi reminds.

"I wish we were visiting Nekoma." Oikawa sighs, "They seem to be the experts in this."

"I think you have a better chance visiting Karasuno again."

"I guess, but Father won't let me leave so soon. I'll have to wait months, maybe even years." Oikawa bemoans.

A knock resonates in the room, and the door slips open. Iwaizumi instinctively, pulls his weight to shield Oikawa from the intruder, while Oikawa focuses on masking himself.

"I apologize for the intrusion," Ushijima says as he closes the door behind him, "I did not feel we left on good terms, and with your departure from Shiratorizawa soon, I wanted to speak with you again."

"I'm kind of busy right now, Ushiwaka-chan." Oikawa snaps.

"I know. I simply wanted to say that I understand you have difficulty leaving your emotional attachment to your own kingdom. I have been trying to brainstorm different ideas to rectify this issue. One idea I thought of is if I were to give you a thorough tour of all of my Kingdoms wonders? So that you might see it's merit over Aoba Johsai?"

Oikawa glares at him, "No, Ushiwaka. I have no interest doing anything like that. Now please, I'm busy."

Ushijima frowns, "Alright, I will try to think of other possible solutions." He straightens up, but his eyes catch upon the myriad of books on the floor, "I see you have made use of our library. It is the largest in the continent, we have partnerships with many other kingdoms." He leans down, picking up a book curiously, "Are you interested in the occult, Tooru?"

Oikawa shrugs, trying to act nonchalant, "I like to know about everything."

Ushijima nods, "Are you searching for anything specific?"

Oikawa weighs his options but then decides it's all hopeless anyway, so he shrugs,"Demons."

"Demons?" Ushijima echoes, putting the book back down neatly, "May I ask why?"


"I completely understand. When I was younger I became particular fascinated with Thrips Tabacis, or thunderflies as they are more commonly known," Ushijima replies with a sense of sympathy.

"What," Oikawa blinks, "are you talking about?"

"They are an insect that devastate onions. I remember spending all night reading a book about them and their impact on the southern countryside."

"What do they look like?" Iwaizumi asks curiously, leaning into the conversation.

Ushijima seems surprised at the question, as if he'd forgotten Iwaizumi was even there. It irks the attendant, but he swallows it down. Ushijima recovers quickly, turning to him, "They are incredibly small, with a larg-"

"This does not matter." Oikawa cuts in, annoyed.

"Bugs are cool." Iwaizumi mutters. Ushijima nods, echoing the sentiment.

"I want to go to bed. Can you go, Ushiwaka-chan?"

Ushijima frowns but acquiesces, standing back up, "I don't believe we have books on demons in the library. If you would like I could request some from Karasuno or Nekoma."

"Wait, really?" Oikawa asks, eyes suddenly alight with hope.

"Of course, I can have them sent directly to Aoba Johsai as well." Ushijima adds helpfully.

"Ah, no, don't do that." Oikawa shakes his head, "Could you actually have them sent here? You can leave them in this room. I can read them when I visit again."

"If that is what you prefer." Ushijima shrugs, moving back toward the door.

Oikawa springs up, catching Ushijima's arm, "Wait! And this has to be a secret. Don't let our fathers know."

Ushijima blinks, "Why?"

"Just trust me. If you want this partnership to work we have to trust each other right? Well, here's your first test. Do you understand?" Oikawa replies, brown eyes stern, boring into the other's face. His grip tightens on the other Prince, fingers digging into his skin.

Ushijima looks down at Oikawa's hand on his wrist, and then back at his face. He lets out a sigh, "Understood."

Oikawa grins, leaning forward and pressing a kiss to both his cheeks. Ushijima complies automatically. Iwaizumi looks away. Ushijima gives the attendant a nod and finally slips out.

Oikawa makes an exagerated gagging motion before swooping down to Iwaizumi to kiss his cheeks. Iwaizumi shoves him off, "Stop doing that!"

Oikawa can't help giggling, even as Iwaizumi starts pelting him with pillows and cushions in retaliation.

And All the Prince's Men (haikyu)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu