Chapter Five

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Jackson's POV

I walk in into my room to escape the eye of my family. All they are talking about is the selection. One thing I don't care about in the selection. I know it holds my future in its hands but I don't want to do it.

It's going to be a long day.


"Prince Jackson," says Fred, one of our many butlers. "Would you like to have dinner in your room?"
I stop looking at the photos. "Ugh. Yeah why not," I reply stretching arm.
"Also I recommend getting ready for the Report. You'll want to look your best."
"Thanks you Fred I should start getting ready."
One of my last days of freedom.


I walk onto the stage of the report and take my place next to Clara.
"Are you nervous," she asks. "I am. Today is the day that will shape our lives for ever. Imagine on of these men or woman in your case, will become your life long partner and I'm not ready for that," she sounds sad and distant I thought she was looking forward to it but obviously not.
"But you've been looking forward to this for ages how can you not be ready for this. I'm not ready myself," I tell her. she more relived than before.
"Hello dear," says dad walking towards us.
"Hi dad," Clara and I say in unison.
"Aren't you two looking forwards to seeing the faces of your Selected?" he askes. Then he starts to tell us about how he met our mother and their first date.
"That's enough dear," says my mother gliding across the stage. "Go sit down we'll be on in a moment"
"Ok love," says dad obediently.
"On in three, two, one," say a voice from behind the cameras.

"Hello Illėa," says Neil Wane. "Tonight we have some news about the Selection but we have some other news," he says looking over at his king. The Ki g walks over to the center of the stage and starts reading from his pappers. My father talks about rebel attacks and the removal of the Caste System it hasn't really ever had any other topics.
"So Prince Jackson would you mind talking about the Selection," asks Neil patting the chair next to him.
"Certainly," I reply because denying won't do me any good.
"So," he starts ", how do you feel about having thirty five girls in your home?"
"Agh, I sort of nervous about the whole thing," I tell him which is mainly true.
"What type of girl do you have in mind he," asks knowing that this is the question everyone want to know.
"Um, well... I'd like someone who can be themselves and is interested in me not the crown or title."
"Very well said sir," looks towards the camera. "Now let's see who is in the Selection."
I breathe in know
I breathe in its soon about to start. My life will. My life will change, forever.
"Amy Woodwork, two, Allens." Starts Neil. I don't know what she looks like but I smile.
"Hannah Ayers, two, Angeles." I smile again. I'll probably smile after every name.
"Georgina Wright, five, Atlin."
"Lauren Granger, three, Baffin."
"Emily Grayclove, four, Bankston."

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