Shouta was glad Zashi was taking the bus after next to do whatever he does in the morning. He couldn't handle him too long this early, even though they lived together.

After a few minutes, the bus screeched to a halt and Shouta got off so he could transfer to the train. He went into the station and sat down to wait for his train to UA.

Its lights were visible before it appeared in the station, and Shouta was the first person on. The more time he spent on the train, the more time for him to nap.

The minute Shouta sat down on the bench, he fell into a light, dreamless sleep. His internal clock woke him up seconds before he reached his stop, just like it always did. So why didn't it work when he napped in the teacher's lounge right before class started?

He hopped off the train and went up the stairs and into the bright light of day. He walked just a few minutes to the school and made a mad dash to the teacher's lounge, ignoring anyone else that tried to stop him. Actually, many people did. Ken, Nemuri, even Shinso was in the hall, waiting for the perfect moment to pounce.

He had forgotten to drink the coffee he made at home. "I guess the shit they have here will do. This is the number one school in Japan, yet they can't even attempt to provide me decent coffee?"  Shouta thought.

He poured a cup and chugged it. It tasted like water and smelled like...not- coffee.

He then set his stuff down and unrolled his sleeping bag that he affectionately referred to as his caterpillar. He stepped in, zipped it up, and flopped onto the floor for a nap. He hoped he wouldn't oversleep, but really, what were the chances?


"Aizawa, You do realize your class is waiting for you, right? And they have been for- what, eight minutes? Get up!" Midnight kicked and prodded the man until he grumbled and rolled onto his back.

It was Nemuri, of course. Why was she bothering him after he'd only slept for- two hours? "What the hell?" He cursed under his breath.

He had slept until after class started, and today was the one day he cared about being on time. How did he do this to himself every day? At least he could have another nap in the announcers booth- on second thought, Zashi would be there, so he would just have to bring coffee.

He blinked until he could clearly see the raven-haired woman looming over him like he imagined a plague doctor looming over their dead patient. Her face was frozen in a critical expression, her hands were on her hips, and she was shaking her head. No need to be so rude! That was Shouta's job.

He gave Nemuri a look that said "Move" so he could roll out of the lounge, down the hall, and into his classroom, turning a few of his students' heads. He wondered why they still did that, since he came in like that almost every day.

He stood up and walked to the front of the class, behind his desk. "As you know, today is the UA sports go get changed into your gym uniforms. Those of you that sent in a request for gear, you know who you are. We have it at the stadium already," Shouta said monotonously, still in his yellow cocoon. He took a sip of his coffee, which he'd poured three cups of into a bottle before he left the lounge.

"I can't wait! This is gonna be so fun!" Mina Ashido squealed from her seat. That was almost the exact same thing she said the previous year.

"I'm going to try even harder than I did last year!" Midoriya shouted and pumped his fist in the air. Of course he was...

"I don't care. The rest of this class is so full of themselves. When I was in general studies, I was lucky to be noticed," Shinsou said to himself, just loud enough for Shouta to hear. Not Shouta's fault.

All of this screaming was disrespectful and would hurt their reputations as heroes. He couldn't let his kids end up jobless. Especially Shinsou. He understood the importance of naps. He even napped before class. Genius.

"Calm down." The man that still needed a nap yelled. He was tired of their shenanigans. They were heroes-in-training for God's sake!

"And go get your gym uniforms. Do you speak Japanese?" Shouta asked his kids in a not-very-threatening voice. Why bother sounding threatening when they already hate you for sounding depressed? (Which Shouta was- very)

The kids cleared out of the room quickly after Shouta made his comment. He just sighed and lay his head down on the desk. When students slowly started to trickle back in, he got up and shed his cocoon.

"We need to go to the stadium by bus. It leaves in five minutes, so you should hurry." Shouta gave his kids a sickening smile. He loved messing with them. It was funny to see how they reacted. He didn't care that they thought he was just creepy.

It wasn't a joke, though. The bus was leaving in five minutes.

While Shouta was thinking about his "hilarity", the students had already left. He followed suit, grabbing anything he would need for the hot weather (What he thought he needed consisted of water, his caterpillar, his cup of coffee, and his bag.) He didn't even understand why they were taking a bus to a place on campus.

Once he reached the bus, he stepped in and told whoever was driving- he didn't know or care- to take them to the stadium. The driver nodded and pulled some switches on the controls, and they were moving.

The stadium was only a minute away, but there was a fence between the stadium and the school, and there was no time to walk. The festivities would kick off with announcements in the next ten minutes, so driving was easier.

They were already at the place by the time Shouta organized his thoughts. Everyone got off the bus, chatting, giggling, and being loud all the way to the little hidden area behind the metal door on the far end of the field, where they would wait for people to be allowed in and the festival to start.

He tried to take a sip of his coffee, but it was gone. Great. What would he do now? He should've brought four cups.

Shouta made sure everyone was present, then left to go to the announcers booth. He saw Hizashi sitting in a big chair with a mic (that he didn't really need) hooked up to his ear and mouth. Before he could say anything, Zashi's voice blared on the speaker. "Testing, testing!"


People were finally allowed in. The lucky few that could get the bad seats on the nearest end of the field, rich parents, contest winners, and pro heroes all sat down in their seats, carrying popcorn and the like. Shouta just shook his head at all the fools expecting anything good from anyone but his class.

A few minutes later, Hizashi came on the mic again to explain the rules and introduce all the classes, ending with 2A and B, the hero course.

Then, the focus moved to Midnight, who gave the regular rundown of round one, the obstacle course. "Round one is the Obstacle Race! In this round, students use their quirks to reach the end of the course! But only the first forty-two to cross the finish line advance to round two! Now, head to the starting line!"

Everyone jumbled together at the starting line, and Hizashi practically begged Shouta to do the countdown. He finally agreed and began counting.

"Three, two, one-"


Heyo (listen what I say ooooh). I'm one of a group of six Idiot Pen Pals. I'm Rose and I write this crap. I don't do the thinking for any of the books right now though! You can thank my friend Lost for this one! She's amazing!

Don't forget to give a vote. I drink them like coffee, my bros. ~Rose

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