Chapter Two

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Yua Aimoto was running.

A pro called "Aizawa" had just finished the countdown, and class 2C's  Julia Love, or Yua Aimoto, as she was called in Japan, had just started round one of the second year UA sports festival.

She was a general studies student, and she was proud of it. She knew her quirk could be used for hero work, and she had a knack for electronics, even something for business, but Yua liked being perfectly normal. She didn't even want to win or even make it past the first round, but she would try anyway.

Her feet carried her to the first obstacle before she knew it. In fact, with her blindfold, she didn't see it coming. She peeled it off to take a look. It was a huge wall of rock with no way over, under, or around it except for a small hole in the middle, barely big enough for two or three people to fit through.

All Yua could do was to push her way through the crowd and hope she made it to the other side. So she rammed into the mob of students headfirst, flailing around, and she even tried to get down on the ground. It seemed as if brute force wouldn't do it.

That was the only way- unless she used her quirk and some of her nonexistent acting skills.

"Ahhh! Help me!" Yua screamed and fell to the ground as if she was injured. She hoped it sounded convincing.

Almost everyone turned their heads to her, probably reflex or something? Yua was surprised they heard her!

"Oh look! My eye!" Yua whimpered.

She then looked at every single one of them. Once their eyes turned red, signaling they were under her trance, she said, in the most seductive (and embarrassing) voice she could muster, "Do you think you could let me through? Please?"

People hurriedly nodded and made a space for her to walk through. She felt like she was parting the red sea or something. As she was about to walk through the opening, she noticed someone with some kind of jetpack on their back. Yua tapped them on the shoulder. "You mind if I borrow that thing on your back?"

"Sure. Just press that button there and  these ones are for steering. And you're really pretty, by the way."

Yua took off from right past the wall, the kid she took the pack from in tow. They were dangling from her leg, and weighing her down a bit. "Sorry I did that to you guys... You'll be stuck like that for awhile. I hope none of you actually deserve to go to the next round or anything..."

Yua flew passed a hundred of her fellow students. She didn't think she recognized any of them, but they were all the size of the palm of her hand, so she couldn't really tell. She was moving pretty slowly, though. Maybe she should've worn her glasses today. If she knew she wouldn't want to be wearing her blindfold for the sports festival, she would have brought them.

She decided to land right near the end of the race, but people were already crossing the line. She took the weird handle things and she hovered down to the ground. She ripped the pack off her back and tossed it to the side. She picked it back up, handed it back to the person and ran as fast as she could to cross the line.

As soon as she did, she was engulfed in a hug by a stranger. He had spiky red hair and a huge smile. "Hey! I'm Eijirou Kirishima! You barely made it!"

Yua tried not to look at him as she put her mask back on. He was nice, if not a little too nice. She was pretty sure he was in the hero course, so she wouldn't be seeing much of him.

"Why are you wearing that? You won't be able to see when we win the second round together!" Kirishima was a bit too bubbly for Yua's liking.

"Why do you want me on your team? I can't help you," Yua asked the other kid. What did he think she could do?

"You gave that other student your jetpack back there at the end of the race. That was really wo-manly of you!"

"Wait what? No! He's got it all wrong. I should tell him, but he's a hero course student. Being on his team could be a huge advantage, though. Maybe I'll tell him later if I ever see him again."  Yua thought and hoped she wouldn't regret being on his team.

"I guess I don't mind, but we still need two more members."

"No worries. I think Bakugou will join us, but I don't know who else will join us. Maybe Ashido?" Kirishima wondered.

"What are their quirks?" Yua questioned.

Kirishima gave an in-depth explanation of their quirks in record time, which Yua found very impressive, and she ended up nodding and following him to go meet them.

Ashido was pink. Literally. Even her hair was bubblegum pink. It was scary how pink she was... And she had horns. She looked like an alien, and she was even more talkative that Kirishima. She wouldn't shut up about how few girls were in 1A and how she was so happy to have a friend.

Bakugou was the opposite. He looked like a hedgehog and he didn't say a word. He just glared at Yua and looked like he was about to scream at Ashido.

"Shut the hell up you fucking extra!" Bakugou finally yelled at Ashido.

"You're not very nice, Bakuhoe!" Ashido huffed.

No he was not...

"What's our game plan?" Ashido asked excitedly.

"Well, Midnight hasn't even announced what round two is, so I have no idea." Yua shrugged.

As if on cue, Midnight spoke on the mic. "Let's spin for round two! This round is a four- person team game!"

She spun the wheel and it landed on "Pit."

What the heck is a pit?

"Teammates' legs are tied together and four batons are thrown at random across the field. Whichever four teams are holding batons at the end of fifteen minutes, advance to the next round! Breaking the rope results in  immediate disqualification. You have ten minutes to put together teams and plan!"

"We already have a team, so we just have to-" Kirishima was stopped by screaming and giggling right behind him.

"Ashido! Will you be on our team?" Two other girls and a guy with hair like a yellow crayon were practically grabbing Ashido and pulling her away.

"We need another teammate, I guess." Kirishima assumed. Yua didn't think she would be coming back either.

"I'll do it..." A voice came from behind Yua.

"Shinsou?" Kirishima inquired.

Shinsou? That weirdo in her class last year? He hated the hero course and now he was in it?

That was odd. She never questioned where he went, and no on ever mentioned him. He was always quiet. The only thing he did was bombard class 1A with human bodies- living ones, most of them her classmates- right before the sports festival.

"If it isn't Hitoshi Shinsou. I always wondered what happened to you." Yua tried to act mysterious, because she didn't know what to do. She couldn't just not acknowledge him. They were in the same homeroom for a full year, after all.

"Aimoto, right? To be honest, I don't really care..." Shinsou replied monotonously.

How bland-and-not-bland-at-the-same-time that boy was. God it was annoying. Yua liked- if not loved- being normal, but he was the wrong kind of normal. He was too quiet, not a perfectly average amount of quiet. He was so sarcastic and depressed-looking, so much so that he was closer to "pessimistic", or "emo" than "normal". Normality was art in its most beautiful form. It was like he was mocking her.

"Okay, what's our plan?" Yua sighed.

This was going to be the worst round ever...


Wassup bros! It's Rose again. Sorry for the short chapter, but the next one will be better! We can't get to the good stuff 'till the sports festival is out of the way. I know, that's like three of four more chapters, possibly. I promise it's worth the wait! Maybe in a couple of weeks, you'll get a double update?

Well have a good day or night! Peace ✌️. ~Rose

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