Glory's Relationships(feat. Glory herself): Savanaclaw

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Leona Kingscholar-My oh my. Where do I even start with this hunk of beast? If you wanna guy who sleeps 24/7 yet treating you like a lioness, then Leona is the type of man that you might need. My first thoughts when meeting Leona at the botanical garden, he was kind of a jerk. Quite arrogant at least when I met him again at the meeting with Crowley and the dorm heads. However as I look pass his arrogance, he was actually a pretty relax and sweet guy. Even though he won't admit this. Heheh such a tsundere😘. I don't blame him though. Leona really went through shit in his whole life as the second born son. I wish people would stop misinterpreted him as the lowly second born prince. Leona's more than that. He's strong, smart, practical, protective, and caring man. That's exactly what I loved about him. He even knows how to treat a lady right unlike a certain someone *coughs coughs* Marc. Hell I'm quite relaxed when I'm around him. We would take naps together, chat, relax at the lounge, sometimes we compete each other in games or dares, stargazing at his dorm. *giggles* Ruggie, Che'nya, and Cheka weren't wrong when they said Leona has great respect for women. I wonder why exactly~? 😏. Not only that, but I love his voice. It's husky but sexy...Hey that rhymes. Heheh. And that purr, OH MY GOD. Ugh, it gets me all the time we cuddle. Who knew that a sexy handsome human version of Scar would make me fall in love with him? People may seen Leona as a lazy ass lion (which he is), but he's my sexy handsome lazy ass lion. And may I must say, I'm so happy to be in love and have a sexy, lazy, wildly handsome, and strong lion as a boyfriend. No matter what people about us, I'll always stand besides my beloved lion king. Just like what I'm doing with my sweet and genuine lovers. 🦁💛🥰

Ruggie Bucchi-Oh my goodness, where do I even describe this mischievous and cheery little sneak? Oh yeah, cheeky af, but also very sweet. What I love about him is how hardworking and chill he is, but he's also practical like Leona except his way blunt. But knows his limits and may I just say, he looks so cute when he laughs like a little hyena. When not having Leona pushing Ruggie to do his work for him, Ruggie and I would chill, hang out at the courtyard to eat food, and we also played tricks on our friends. Sometimes I help him with his chores at Savanaclaw and we would tease each other 24/7. Though I would get annoyed when he stole my lunch, but he's not overly that bad. In fact, I understand why he gets his hardworking nature. I actually feel bad for him to live in such a poor background. I don't blame him. Most people back my world at Belle Reve are homeless. And trust me, homeless people went through shit to get where they are. So I can totally relate. I may not be poor, but I do know how messed up it is. Overall, I don't see him as a poor class hyena. He's quite fun and hilarious to hang out with. He makes me laugh with his funny stories or jokes. Not to mentioned cute when he makes his cheeky grin. I don't care about his poor background because no matter what, I will always love my mischievous and funny little hyena boyfriend. Just like my 21 lovers. 🥰💕❤️🐆

Jack Howl-Oh Jack, you strong, manly, and tsundere wolf of mine. Where do I even start with you? Oh right. He's a big time tsundere, but it's adorable. At the beginning, we start off a bit of a rocky start usually because he's cautious when it comes to new people and I don't blame him. I get cautious from time to time, but as we get to know each other, I slowly realized how determined and selfless he is despite his appearance. People really misunderstood him as this intimidating wolf. But he's more than just an intimidating wolf, Jack is a loyal and genuinely nice guy who is passionate about his dream of being stronger like his dorm leader. What's endearing is that I love how protective he is. He reminds me of my dad, expect he doesn't go waving at guys with a bat whenever I brought guys home for a study session or a group project. However, there is a time when he gets overprotective and I have to calm him down if he goes overboard with his temper. Overall, he's just a hardworking, determined, strong, and caring guy even though he doesn't show his affections most of the times. Hell, he looks cute when he wags his tail when I pat his head just like a big adorable puppy. Don't tell him though, he'll be embarrassed if he finds out that I told you guys. 😉. People may see him as the tall and intimidating wolf, but he's a tall and strong wolf with a heart of gold and I loved him from head to toe. No matter what happens to us, I'll always by my strong and lovable tsundere wolf along with my 21 lovers. Teehee~. 🐺❤️🥰💕

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