Elise now stood around the fireplace with James, Peter, Remus, and Sirius. They all laughed and joked about the drunken teens in the room, even though Sirius and Peter had also been quite inebriated.

Sirius slung his arm around Elise's shoulders, leaning a bit more of his weight onto her than he'd probably intended, causing her to stumble a little. She laughed and wrapped an arm around his torso to help steady him.

He turned to her with a strange look suddenly, his brown eyes swimming with a certain longing and affection. She stared back up at him, blinking, as he pushed her hair out of her face. His large, warm hand lingered on her cheek as he leaned down.

Elise was entirely frozen in shock as Sirius pressed his lips onto hers firmly. He kissed her just briefly, before James and Remus quickly pulled him away.

"What the bloody hell are you doing to my sister?!" Remus asked incredulously, mouth gaping in shock.

"Oh come on, Moony, don't act like you didn't know Sirius likes her!"

"I didn't, actually."

The boys bickered back and forth, with Sirius drunkenly leaning on James. Elise took this time to back away from the boys and rush out of the common room.

Her eyes burned with tears as she went to the corridor, walking down it a ways before plopping herself on the floor, resting her back against the cold stone wall.

What the hell just happened? She thought, bringing her knees to her chest and feeling her cheeks become wet. She crossed her arms atop her knees and buried her face in them.

Footsteps approached a few moments later and someone sat down beside her.

"Leave me alone, please, I - " Elise began, lifting her head to look at the person. But she stopped when she realized it was Snape.

He sat with about a foot of space between them, looking at her with those deep dark eyes.

"Snape?" She choked, wiping away tears from her face. "What are you doing?"

"I didn't see anyone else coming to check on you, so..." Snape muttered quietly, looking at the wall across from them.

Elise sighed and shook her head, just looking at the boy beside her. "So did you see...?"

He glanced back at her briefly and nodded, furrowing his eyebrows.

"I'm confused, I thought you and Black had a... Thing."

"No," she said softly, remembering when she and Snape had argued in the hall awhile back and he referred to Sirius as her 'boyfriend.'

Elise continued, "He's just a friend... And I feel horrible, knowing now that he has feelings for me and I just... Don't feel that way." Her voice cracked and she felt more tears fall down her face. Her heart ached.

"You two are close, though, right?"

She nodded, sniffling.

"Then he will understand. Otherwise, his feelings aren't genuine."

Snape's voice was soft and gentle, much different than his usual short and cold tone. He didn't look at her, just down at his hands or at the wall, but she could tell he was truly trying to comfort her.

A tiny smile pulled her lips as she looked at him. "Yeah, I suppose you're right."

"Elise?!" Sirius' voice boomed through the hall and she heard his footsteps quickly approach.
He jogged over towards her, but halted as soon as he realized Snape was sitting with her. His face dropped and brows knitted together, his hand reaching for his wand but fumbling a little, clearly still tipsy.

"Snivellus, what the hell are you doing near her?" Sirius growled, and the Slytherin stood, narrowing his eyes.

"I was helping her, after you stepped out of line and made her uncomfortable," Snape's voice dripped with venom, his own wand in his hand, mirroring Sirius.

"That's none of your bloody business!" Sirius shouted, stepping towards him. They stood about a half foot away from each other now. Snape was a few inches taller, but Sirius seemed to subconsciously flex his more muscular frame.

Elise quickly stood and placed herself between the two, placing a hand on Sirius' chest.

"Stop! Please," she stared pleadingly up at Sirius. He looked down and saw the black tear trails on her cheeks, his figure slumping slightly and his eyes softening.

James and Lily suddenly ran over in that moment. James grabbed Sirius' arm and pulled him a few feet away, asking what was going on.

Lily went to Snape and she questioned him, but he just shook his head and walked off. She trailed behind him, giving the others a little wave goodbye and sad smile before disappearing around a corner.

Elise felt so emotionally exhausted. She told James and Sirius she was going to go to bed, and to let Evelyn and Willow know.

Sirius tried to speak, but Elise had already turned her back to them and headed to her dorms at a quick pace.

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