nine: looking for me, check these streets

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It about 10 pm. Kato had been dropping off a package for some dude and didn't tell the others about it. He figured he could do alone, after all he was the boss. Dogs barked and hookers stood on the corners like they always did. The neighborhood was sketchy as fuck but a cool five thousand dollars would be nice since he wanted a house and not that apartment. He walked up the steps and knocked on the door, 11 G. A man who looked like he just hit a quarter opened the door.
"You must be him. I've been waiting on you." He cleared his throat. Kato had his gun in his waistband, never go anywhere with out it. He remembered that's what his father always said. Of course, he knew who their real father was but there's no way he'd tell Mia that. Kato when inside and placed the cocaine on the table as a girl patted him down. "He's got a gun Marty." The man looked at Kato and then back at the girl.
"Well. Put it on the table then." He said with this look that said I'm not playing with you. "Why?" Kato raised his eyebrow.

Kato never let us guard down. He wasn't gonna let them kill him or just shoot him. He'd die trying. The girl looked at the man. "Fine. Let him keep it." She spoke with a thick accent. Marty nodded reluctantly. "So how much for more?" Kato looked down at his phone. "Five grand. There's a delivery fee." The man tapped his glass which Kato assumed had some whiskey or some shit in it. The girl again looked at him sideways. Something wasn't right and Kato knew it. "How about three grand for two and I'll let you take what we've got in the back for an even trade." Marty spoke up. Kato shook his head and reached for the drugs. "No dea-" Before Kato could get out the words his ears rang. His chest felt hot as he fell. Three shots. She had shot him dead in the chest and twice in the arm. He didn't have time to react or pull out his own gun. "Nice doing business with you Malik." Marty stood over him with a smile.

After a few minutes, He dragged himself the door. The dumbasses hadn't closed it all the way when they robbed him. He did his best to crawl on to the staircase. Maybe someone would see him. Or maybe he'd die here. After all, there probably wasn't any sober people living in these trashy ass apartments.

"Man, I'm gonna die here." His eyes fluttered close.


My heart dropped into my stomach. I felt sick and I couldn't think of anything to say to the cop. "You need to come to the hospital." The cop said and it felt like he was saying it in slow motion. I felt dizzy and Fenix caught me in his arms.

"We'll come right away." He replied for me. Fenix closed the door and held on to me tightly. "Come on Samia. Let's go get you your robe and we'll ride down there." His voice seemed so far away too. I wondered what it must of felt like being shot. I wondered if he'd be okay. I prayed he would be, if there was any time to rely on god. It was now.

After a silent drive and panicking to myself. Fenix and I pulled up to the hospital. My heart was beating out of my chest. Please let him be okay. Fenix held my hand again as we looked for his room number. I took a deep breath and prepared myself to see my brother. I could remember all our fights and felt like shit just thinking about the rude things I had said to him last. He was in the bed with tubes in his mouth and with a blood bag and one of those drip thingys. I got to his side and held his hand tight.

"Oh, Malik. What did they do to you?" I whispered and touched his head. "You're gonna be alright." Tears filled in my eyes. Handro and Lulu arrived a little later. I was angry now.

"WHY DIDN'T YOU GO WITH HIM?!" I screamed.

"He didn't call me Mia. I didn't even know." He came at me for a hug. I squirmed. "Get off me." I cried. "Get off." He hugged me tighter. I couldn't be angry at him. It wasn't his fault. It was no one's fault. I kneeled by Kato's side holding my stomach with short breaths. Handro still held on to me and then he let go when he was sure that I was alright. I sighed. "I'm staying the night." I spoke up. They all stared at me. Fenix grabbed my hand.

"I'll stay with you."

"You don't have to."

"Yes I do Mia."

At first I was reluctant but I agreed anyways. The doctor with curly black hair and pretty eyes came in. "Which one of you is a relative?" He asked looking around the room. "Me. I'm his little sister." I sat up in the chair. He motioned for me to come outside the room.

"So here's the deal. Your brother was shot three times. The first bullet was lucky to have missed his major artery when he was shot in the chest. The second bullet only grazed his arm. And the third hit him in the shoulder." He said pointing to diagrams and the X-ray chart.

"Jesus fucking Christ." My breath hitched and I could my chest hurting again.

"He lost a lot of blood. We're keeping him on morphine because of the pain and the shock. He will make a full recovery. But I wouldn't advise him doing anything that would strain him for the next few months." He patted my shoulder.

I couldn't even remember the last thing I said to him. Was it I love you? Was it I hate you? I sighed and laid my head in on his hospital bed holding his hand. I looked at his watch. Just after 1am.

Happy Birthday Kato.

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