five: quit playing

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It was six am when I pushed my room door open and flopped on my bed. I put my phone on the charger and didn't bother picking it up which didn't matter because I knew Shordie was going home to go to sleep. I kicked off my shoes after peeling off my dress, grabbed some a big tshirt and didn't bother to put on pants. I spent so much time with him that I'd forgotten how sad and angry I was in the beginning. I could fall asleep happy instead of upset. My phone dinged.

6:15 am
Shordie 🥰👀: Goodnight beautiful, I'm gonna hit you up tomorrow so we can link.
Me: I ain't sleep yet dummy.
Shordie🥰👀: Go yo ass to sleep girl.
Me: You first.
Incoming FaceTime: Shordie 🥰👀

"Alright fine. We can go to sleep together." He smiled at me. I put my phone next to me just as the light started to peek in.

"You're so lame." I rolled my eyes.

"Maybe but you like me already."
He was right but I couldn't let him know that so I just smiled and closed my eyes. I liked this.

"Goodnight Mia."
"Goodnight Shordie."

The light from outside shined in my face and I turned over not wanting to get the fuck up. My phone started buzzing so I opened my eyes and picked it up. "Hello?" Damn, I sounded rough. I must of blacked out because I was sleeping next to someone I didn't know in a hotel. I don't know how I even got here.

"Fenix, where the fuck are you?" Kato yelled through the phone. I sat up sleepily.

"Uh. I'm at a hotel. Why?"

"Nigga. Why you at a hotel?"

"I went to the club. Got fucked up. You know me."

"Samia said you were still there when she left. We gotta drop to make so get your ass dressed and tell one of your hoes to drive you the meet up." I agreed and hung up. Shit, I had forgotten all about Mia. I left her alone. She is gonna hate my ass for this.

9:45 am
Fen🥴: Yo, Mimi. I'm sorry about last night. Me: I didn't mean to disappear on you. I hope I can make it up to you.

I sent messages back to back trying to make see I was sorry. She blocked me on Instagram so I didn't really think she'd answer. I'm dumb for this shit but I'd worry about that later. I rolled out of the bed up and the girl sat up with a small smile. She dark skin and damn pretty. No wonder I took her here. "Here's your money." I handed her a hundred and she laughed.
"We didn't have sex. And I'm not one of your strippers or hoes that y'all dope boys like to get with."
"Oh. Then who are you?"

"Bea. I'm a bartender at the club. You were passed out so your friend and I put you in my car and I took you here. You kept complaining about this girl the whole time and that you didn't wanna go home cause she'd be mad at you." She smiled and pulled the cover back. "Damn. I don't remember none of that." Bea shrugged and opened the mini fridge. "You want to stay for breakfast?"
"Nah, I got somewhere to be. Thank you though Bea. I'll hit you up sometime." She waved. I walked out the hotel room, my head was pounding. I pulled liquor stash out my pocket and took another sip. I'd be fine.

I rolled over noticing that my phone call with shordie had ended. I smiled at the thought of someone doing something so sweet. I picked up my phone to see that Fenix and had left five messages.

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