''Ok I choose this one. I guess I just gotta put the headset on hold for now.''

''Yeah this costs $349.99 my god.''

''But it does look pretty.''

''Ok then its a deal.''

~Time skip to the wedding day cuz Im lazy~ 

I was in the changing room pacing around. I could make up my mind if I want to do this or not. What if people starts to stare or even laugh!. I started feeling light headed until the loud speaker called out my name.

Mr. Lasky 5 more mins until time.

Now Im even more flustered I began pacing even faster until I made my final decision.

Preston's P.O.V.

 Where is he? He's 30 seconds late. I feel sweat dripping down my face and my hands. Until the massive door opened and behind it was a beautiful gorious faced canadian wearing a lapis blue dress that is long enough to leave a trail following behind him. He then walked up onto the stairs and stands in directly in front of me. He looked so amazing, and I don't see anyone staring or anything. They just seemed to start having teary eyes.

''Before we start does anyone object to this ceremony.'' (I do said Nooch. JK maybe next time XD)

The priest continues talking more about random stuff but I just zoned out and just stared at Rob. His brown eyes matches his brown hair. He looks just perfect and this is the day I get to spend the rest of my life with him. Eventually I began to listen again and I was in luck because he was done with his rambling and went on with the important parts.

''At this time, I’ll ask you, Preston, and you, Rob, to face each other & take each other’s hands.

I did what I was told and l could tell he was nervous just from how sweaty Rob's hands are.

''Preston, will you take Rob to be your Husband or in this case your wife.''  Everyone then laughed at that comment and he gave us a grin and continued on.

''Your partner in life and your one true love? Will you cherish his friendship and love his today, tomorrow and forever? Will you trust and honor him, laugh with him and cry with him? Will you be faithful through good times and bad, in sickness and in health as long as you both shall live?

I paused for a bit and then finally said, ''I do.''

 ''And for you, Rob, will you take Preston to be your husband, your partner in life and your one true love? Will you cherish his friendship and love him today, tomorrow and forever? Will you trust and honor him, laugh with him and cry with him? Will you be faithful through good times and bad, in sickness and in health as long as you both shall live? (By Da Powers of copy & paste.)

''I do,'' He said confidently.

I winked at Jerome to tell him thats his cue. He walks up with a  wearing a pink dress with this flower thing on his head holding this pillow that has 2 rings sitting on top of it. But that wasn't the best part. I hired somebody to take a picture of just Jerome and gave it too me after the wedding was over.  I took one ring and placed it onto Rob's ring finger and he did the same to me. We then both exchanged smiles.

''And with that you may commence to kiss the ''Bride''.''

He leaned in slowly but too bad for him I don't do that cheesy stuff so I grabbed him by the neck and swinged him down for a more passionate kiss. I could tell he was shock but kinda already expected that from me. I let go from him and looked at everyone who was ether crying or cheering. We both then walked down the isle together and we drove to this fancy resteraunt.

''Preston where are we?''

''I set up a reservation at this fancy place for our wedding.''

''You shouln't have Preston.''

''Anything for my baby.''

We walk into this private section just me and him alone. We started to talk about random stuff and our food came so we digged in. I stopped because he should be here by now and he was just on time. The guy I hired came in and gave me our wedding photos but the one I cared about was the one that had Jerome in it. I finally found it and sented it to every social media website that I had. (Pretend they know the Rob and Preston are together.) Everyone was tweeting out LOL or LMAO at Jerome wearing that dress. But I sented out an apology tweet to him so that he isn't the laughing stalk. We went back into eating again. We were done and wented home. I got to my bed and checked my phone. I decided to read on wattpad and came across this story called New Years Wish. I clicked on it because I ship them so hard and began reading. XD


OMG I wrote this in just 2 hours, how the fudge I managed to do that idk. THANK YOU SO MUCH for the support lately, I just recently reached 1.6k and tbh I'm shocked. I just LUV you guys so much and would do anything just to keep you readers happy even if I have to write 2 chapters a day. <3 <3 <3 and dont worry. #Vikklan is coming to the final chapter. But not so much Merome lately. D:

New Years Wish (Vikklan FF) Book #1Where stories live. Discover now