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Steph POV

A few months ago, me and Randy started dating. But I have a little problem: I'm pregnant. How do I tell him? Does he even want kids? What if he leaves me? I don't know what to do, and I don't want to tell anyone. I throw the pregnancy test in the trash can, and I walk away.

A few days later, Randy comes to my house. We talk and surprisingly, I don't tell him I'm pregnant. Until he goes to the bathroom.
"Uh babe?" He says, sounding a little worried.
He walks out holding a positive pregnancy test. He looks confused, like really confused. Then he starts smiling, god I love his smile. "Surprise" I say, hoping he won't run away or something. But what happened was the total opposite. He started to tear up, then he hugged me tightly.

I'm actually pretty happy he found out that way, because I didn't know how to tell him. I don't even know how to tell Nikki and Charlotte, what if they yell at me because me and Randy aren't even engaged. I mean, Charlotte and Andrade are married so what if she hates me for getting pregnant before I'm even engaged? Maybe I don't tell her, maybe I don't tell anyone, maybe we move to Connecticut and start a new life with our little family and we don't tell anyone anything, ever.

A few weeks later, I tell Vince because he's my dad and he needs to know he's going to be a grandpa. I take a deep breath, then walk into his office. "You ok Stephanie? We barely talk."
That's not my fault, but ok. "Uh yeah I'm fine grandpa-I mean dad what I'm not pregnant."
Oh god, hopefully he didn't hear that.
"What? But you're not even dating anyone!" Then Randy walks in, this is going to be fun.
"Hey babe, how's the baby-" he sees my dad, who's giving him the death stare.
"Babe? Stephanie, you know we have a no-dating policy!"
"Dad, seriously? Why are Charlotte and Andrade married then?"
"Because-" I interrupt him because I think I know what he's going to say.
"Because she's a Flair? Well I'm your daughter, and you taught me family comes first, no matter what!" I start to tear up, and I walk away.

A few minutes later, Randy comes out of my dad's office and hugs me. At this point, I pretty much cried most of my makeup off.
"It's just, I don't get it. Why doesn't he want me to be happy-" Randy interrupts me.
"You think I care what he thinks? No, I just want you to be happy. Because if you're happy," he kisses my forehead gently and puts one of his hands on my stomach, "This little person is happy."

A few weeks later I find out that Vince told Hunter, my ex husband. Why did he need to know? No idea. Did he tell anybody else? I hope not, but knowing him he told anyone that would listen, which is the entire locker room. The good thing though is that Charlotte isn't backstage anymore due to Andrade. Wait, I'm not going to be backstage either because I don't want anyone finding out I'm pregnant, but if I leave all of a sudden leave, people will get suspicious. Great, now I'm stressing out over nothing.

Out of nowhere, someone texts me. Hunter, great. He wants to meet up somewhere, but I'm not going because I feel a little nauseous. Morning sickness sucks, so I call Randy because he makes everything better. The door to my house opens, and he sits down next to me on the couch. "You ok babe?"
"You did this" I smile at him and laugh.
"I'm sorry" he says, looking a little upset.
"No, no, it's fine I was joking calm down" I laugh a little more and shove him playfully, and he shoves me back. Everything's perfect, then I run to the bathroom.

A couple minutes later, I sit back down. "This baby hates me, but I still love him" I look at my stomach and smile slightly.
"W-wait, he?" Randy says, and he tears up a little. "Surprise number two" I say as I hug him. He starts crying, and I get worried. "Hey, you ok? You should be excited!"
"Yeah I'm fine, just scared."
"Because I'm going to be an awful dad." I try wiping his tears, but he grabs my hand. "Why'd you grab my-" he interrupts me, once again.
"This child deserves a better father than me, I'll mess up like everything else I do."
"Babe" I start tearing up, "you'll be an amazing father. If anyone's going to be a bad parent, it'll be me."
"How about we make a deal, if I'm not a bad dad, you're not a bad mom. Ok? So never," he tucks some of my hair behind my ear "ever say you're a bad mother and I won't say I'm a bad father"
"Deal" I say as I snuggle up to him and start to fall asleep.

The next day, I wake up and realize that today's my second appointment, and the first one Randy's coming to. I think I'm about 19 weeks, which is about 5 months so I only have like 4 more months until we can meet our precious little boy.

A few hours later after the appointment I'm still excited because I met my sweet little boy again! It's insane, he's not even on this planet yet but I love him so much! He's perfectly healthy, and it seems like he can't wait to meet us either because he's starting to move around and kick gently!

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