Baby Time

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Narrator POV

Months had passed and Charlotte disappeared from the public eye when her bump started getting noticeable, and stayed away from social media. She didn't tell many people because she didn't want the entire world talking about it, and only a few people in the company knew about it.

She was now 8 months and two weeks pregnant with twins boy and girl, her doctor had put her on bed rest and she didn't leave the house that often.

Charlotte POV

I'm almost 9 months pregnant and I feel huge. I'm laying in bed because that's what the doctor told me to do and I get a tight lingering pain in my lower back and hips. I didn't pay much attention to it at first because I had been getting Braxton Hicks contractions for a week or two now but that was the strongest one yet. 

When another pain came 10 minutes later I knew something was up. I text Andrade and ask him to come home from the gym.

Within five minutes I hear the door open and Andrade walks in.

"Everything ok mama?"

"I don't know, I've had two contractions in the past 15 minutes and I think I'm in labor. I think we should go to the hospital."

"Ok mama, you stay there I'll get our things in the car then I'll come and help you to the car."

It takes him two minutes to load our things in the car and luckily we had everything already packed for the hospital.

Suddenly I feel immense  pressure building inside me and then a large gush of fluid. My water broke.

"Manny?! Come here please."

"I'm here Chica are you ok?"

"Umm, kinda. My water just broke!"

His eyes widen and he help me out of bed and into a fresh set of sweatpants, before we go to the car and drive to the hospital.

We get there and sign in with the nurse who then takes us to a delivery room. The nurse gives me the IVs and takes my vitals before checking to see how far along I am.

"Congratulations  Mr and Mrs Almas, you are dilated to 3 cm!!"

Yes, I'm delivering these babies naturally, and no one can stop me. We really expected these babies to come a few weeks ago but they are just coming now.

We wait a few hours and every time the nurse comes in I'm still at a 3 or almost to a 4 but I'm waiting for the babies to be ready and not doing anything to progress my labor.

5 hours later, at 1:27 a.m. the first little scream was heard through out the room, I looked over at Andrade and saw tears in his eyes. He has a baby girl!!

20 minutes later his baby boy was born! I did it, I delivered the twins without any complications or pain meds, and they are perfect.

20 minutes later his baby boy was born! I did it, I delivered the twins without any complications or pain meds, and they are perfect

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                          Easton, 5 lbs 10 oz. Born at 1:47 a.m. and Ella 5 lbs 6 oz. Born at 1:27 a.m.

I sent the Photo to all of my friends and co-workers, and they all went crazy. Yes my best friends Nikki, Becky, and Steph knew but they promised not to tell anyone. Andrade had told a few of his friends as well and they made the same promise.

Once the babies were all cleaned up we were able to hold them, and let me tell you it felt amazing.

I attempted to feed Easton and it took him a while to latch but he finally got it. I waited for him to finish his meal before burping him and feeding Ella. She latched right away and had her meal before I burped her and then cradled her in my arms. 

10 minutes later both babies were asleep and Andrade crawls into the bed with me.

"Sleep if they wake up I can get them you need to rest mama."   

"Fine," I agreed because I knew once we got home we wouldn't be allowed very good sleep.

But before I fell asleep I posted the photo I sent to my co-workers on Instagram with the caption "Welcome to the world Ella and Easton Almas!!"

5 days later

We had been home for 4 days now with the twins and have maybe 6 hours of sleep but its ok because its worth it. We wake up and eat breakfast and let the babies sleep till one of them wakes up, and get stuff done around the house. 

I hear my phone rings and look to see Stephanie is calling.

S: "Hey Char can I come over and see the Babies?"

C: "Sure they just woke up from their nap and are happy at the moment!"

S: " Ok, I'll be their soon and I have a couple surprises too!!"

C: "Ok!"

We hang up and I get the babies dresses in some cute outfits and feed them before Steph arrives.

20 minutes later

I hear a knock at the door and immediately go to open it. 

"Steph!!" I yell and I try to hug her but something gets in the way.

I look down and see a baby bump and I couldn't believe it. 

"Steph, no way when?!"



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Next chapter will hopefully be out soon. Love you all take care!!

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