Chapter 18: Gagner la Confiance

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"You know the next meeting is in Moscow right?"

"No? When was that discussed?"

"Ukraine found out from Latvia. That boy was crying again."

"Aw. My poor Baltic slave-I mean state." Russia corrected himself, he was banned from calling them slaves when they separated from the Soviet Union. He wasn't quite used to it yet.

"You will be coming for the meeting right?"

"Of course. When is it?"

"Monday next week. It's Wednesday now."

"Da I know. Thank you. I will see you then."

"Do not hang up on me brother."

"I'm not. I'm saying good bye and then hanging up." Russia said. "Good bye sister. I will see you on Monday." Russia hung up before Belarus could say another word. He then put his phone on silence so he wouldn't have to worry about it. He heard Canada call for lunch from the kitchen, then heard his sentence cut off short. Russia got curious and quickly made his way to the kitchen.

He walked in and saw America and Canada on the floor rubbing their heads. England walked past them and grabbed one of the sandwiches then took a seat at the table, apparently this was normal for him. "Um. What happened?" Russia asked.

"Canada was in my way." America said fixing his glasses.

"You ran into me." Canada mumbled fixing his glasses. "I think you broke them Al."

"You broke mine first."

"You break it you buy it." England came in. The two stared at him after his comment. Canada tried to fix his glasses and managed to get them even again before putting them back on.

"You're lucky you didn't break them." Canada said. "I would of gotten my hockey stick."

"Dude that ain't cool..." America said standing up. He then got a devilish smile and grabbed the glasses clean off Canada's face. "Look what I got!"

"A-Al! Not funny!" Canada yelped. "Give them back!"

"Na ah."

"A-Al please." Canada tried to reach for them but America pulled them away. "Seriously give me them."

"What's the magic words?"



"You're the hero? Hamburger? Um. D.C.?"

"No nope and no." America laughed a bit and Canada still reached for them, now he was going in the wrong direction. Russia watched as Canada used the counter to stand up and try to go for his glasses again. "You can't get them bro~"

"Al this isn't funny." Canada said, he really couldn't see a single thing. Russia noticed that too. He saw the boy was really blind without his glasses, he saw that the boy was actually scared a bit.

Russia went behind America and grabbed his wrist. America paused and looked back at the Russian. "Give them back." Russia demanded. America first wanted to ignore him and keep going but Russia's grip got tighter around America's wrist. America lowered the glasses back down to the point Canada could grab onto them. Once he felt them by his hand, Canada quickly grabbed onto them and put them on. Russia let go of America's wrist the American rubbed it, the Russian's grip never got weak.

America walked over, grabbed a sandwich, and joined England at the kitchen table. Canada stood there for a minute, blinking a few times and fixing them. Russia watched before he went over for his own lunch. Canada followed after.

After a few minutes of silence, Russia decided to break it. "The next world meeting is on Monday, it's in Moscow."

"A meeting already? That seems soon." England noted.

"In Moscow? That's your country, boo." America said and kept eating.

"Well your country isn't the best either you know." Russia came back at him.

"My country is the greatest in the world!" America said. The three other nations were in silence now as America ignored them now and went back to eating. After America's little prank, things were tense. Everyone gave glances at each other but then went back to silence. America gave several glances toward the Russian.

"So." England broke the silence. "Anyone want to do anything today?" America got an idea.

"Mattie! Remember I have that rematch we have to have?" America asked,

"The paintball?" Canada questioned.

"Yup that's the one!"

"Yeah I remember."

"We should play! Iggy and Russia can come too!"

"Paintball?" Russia questioned.

"Yeah. Me and Al have a rematch." Canada said. "We should do that!" He got excited now. Both the Canadian and the American were on the same page with it, they had their heart started on it now.

"Iggy! Can we? ! Can we? !" America pulled at the Brit's sleeve. England signed first and then nodded. "Yes!"

"Russia? What do you say?" Canada asked. Russia wasn't sure about it. He figured he would give it a try and gave a nod to the boy. "Yay!" Canada smiled. Russia, for some reason, liked seeing Canada smile. He smiled with him, no creepy or murderous one, just a smile.

The four nations decided to go play now and Canada got the keys. Kumajirou followed them out and they got into the car, Canada driving now. Russia went to get shot gun but America quickly jumped in front of him and into the side seat. He then slammed the door and locked it, he would make this hard on Russia. England got nervous when he sat in the back seat, now Russia was sitting right next to him and he was a bit mad now. Canada sat Kumajirou in the middle of the back seat, separating the two nations and made England feel a little better, and started up the car.

They drove for a little bit. America glanced at Canada a few times, then he looked back at Russia. He noticed Russia helped his little brother, he actually hurt America to do it, to get the Canadian's glasses back. America didn't like what was going on, Russia was being nice toward his brother, he knew Canada was letting down his shields with the kindness, and that was never good.


Thank you~

This story was influenced by "Giving In" by Artificial

So I do not own the characters used in this, nor do I own the anime they come from!

Sooo yeahhh. I'm getting there _ America. America. He's gonna do whatever he can, oh boy.

So I've been thinking of this other thing, well me and my friend, and we've been thinking about how Belarus would handle Russia and Canada getting closer and um... It's gonna be dramatic O.o



Gagner la confiance?: Gaining trust?

RusCan: Snowy RelationshipsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora