"Excuse me gentlemen, is there a problem" she asked aloud as she stepped towards them. She looked back at the bus and saw faces stuck to the window. She looked forward at the men again.

  "We have an important meeting to meet up with and we would like you to empty the passengers in the bus now. We are with the state " the man to her right said

She looked shocked and was very much tempted to laugh. In all of her classes there was no mention of government officials who looked like they worked with the MIB who would come and take full control of the bus they were in charge of.

" I should empty my bus for you to get to your meeting" she said sarcastically with a questioning tone.

" if you will, please do that immediately" the man on her left said as a smile grew on her face before he walked away towards the other side of the road filled with traffic.

She chuckled as she tugged on the bottom edge of the blue and white  shirt of her uniform that came with the State Bus logo. She cleaned her palms on her black pants before looking up at the other man who stood in front of her.

"You better move or I will crush you with that bus"  she said pointing at the bus before she turned to leave and her phone rang.

     The other man who went to the other side of the road had returned . She looked at her phone and then at the men. It was Chima

"Pick it" one of the men said.

"Don't tell me what to do"

   She walked away and tried hard to shut off the noise made by the cars on the road.
"Hey babe" she said into the phone.


    One of the two men that had been sent to find a solution for him to get to his meeting had come back to give him feedback. He had been watching from his car. He had watched how she stepped out of the bus like she owned it.

 She had stepped out with the full essence of the power that came with driving the big bus she drove. It made him want to laugh. Life was quite simple as people found ways to feel power irrespective of where they were on the ladder.

His father had been the founder of the Transportation system she worked with. He had been the former governor and now he too was running to be the next governor. They had been on the road since 5:30am after he had landed at the international airport. He could have flown to where he needed to go to but he just didn't feel the need to for some reason.

He looked at his watch again 7:05. The traffic seemed to go on forever. He had less than an hour and the only way he could do it was through her. If he could lift the car into the lane she was in. He would have but he couldn't.


He watched closely while she was on a call. His assistant had made a call to his fathers assistant who had made a call to the Permanent secretary how the calls got to her from there. He didn't know and he didn't care. He watched as her face changed. She tried to talk but she kept getting caught off by whoever was on the other side of the call.

  He saw defeat and a smirk grew on his face. She looked at the car but she couldn't see him. The car was heavily tinted but she looked like she had locked eyes with him. Only if she knew that she did.

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