The Abandoned Rookery - Part One

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The sun slowly made its way across the sky. All across the land, tribes and villages readied for war. The more ruthless didn't even wait for that, striking out against their helpless neighbours the moment they heard the news. Young-ones screamed, females cried, warriors roared in frustration and grief. The Master Builders were coming. Be ready to fight for victory, or suffer the tragedy of defeat.

By the time Maximus Rum made his way to the dungeon entrance, evening had already arrived. Orange and reds stained the heavens above and bathed the forests in rich browns and long shadows. Sitting down heavily on a ruined column in the middle of a ruined temple, dirty, sore, and grateful for the rest, he reflected on his journey so far.

It had started out totally fine with no hint at all at just how messed up things were going to get. Just about the only thing of note as he made his way along the shore front had been when a large sea monster had poked its head up from the waves a long way out to sea.

Max had been sure to keep a little further from the sea line after that, but apart from that, nothing.

When the time came to turn left and head into the forest though, that's when things started getting hairy.

He'd almost been eaten by a giant man-eating plant when he'd tripped over one of its vines. It had only been some quick cutting with his knife on the vine around his ankle that had saved him from becoming plant food.

Then later on, he'd encountered a massive wolf on the path in front of him. He'd frozen like a deer in the eyes of a predator, which he'd quickly realised was exactly the wrong move to make. Luckily there had been a vaguely club-like branch in easy reach and after snatching it up, along with his best roaring cave man impression, the wolf had apparently decided there was easier prey around, and loped off.

After stripping it down a bit, he'd kept that branch-club in hand the rest of the way, sometimes forcing his way through bits of forest seemingly thicker than setting concrete.

It wasn't all bad though.

His various encounters had resulted in some positive prompts popping up. He also discovered the ability to keep these prompts minimised until he was ready to access them.

— Battle Sounds! —

You have retreated from battle.

You have succeeded in escaping from a flesh-eating vine trap. Many an unwary soul has found themselves melting in this dangerous plant's digestive sack. Your quick actions helped you avoid this fate.

You have gained 10 experience. 85 experience required to level.

— Battle Sounds! —

You have triumphed in battle.

Forest-Wolves are dangerous predators that usually hunt in packs. Although this one was alone, facing it down still required courage and resolve.

You have gained 15 experience. 70 more experience to level.

— Ding! —

You have crafted a primitive, mundane artefact, basic club.

Be aware: In Isolation, crafting items above the primitive level requires skills conveyed by buildings above the primitive level. Simply knowing how is not enough. Build your civilization and watch your quality of life soar.

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