the sun and the moon

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everywhere he went, sunshine followed, for he was the sun himself. he chased away all of my frightening nightmares that haunted me at night and fought all the shadows that lived in my head. at dawn, he'd paint the sky orange, yellow and a little bit of what he felt. sometimes it would be blue when he was lonely, red when he was full of resentment, pink when he was overjoyed.

whenever he was sad, the entire sky cried for him and when he was happy, the entire sky showered the world with all the joy he felt.

at night he'd pull the stars and the moon out of hiding for my eyes to discern for he knew i've always preferred the night. he told me he'd be my sunshine whenever the lonely night came— and he was. everything seemed so much brighter when he was around.

but if he was the sun, i was the moon. he was meant for the bright day while i was meant for the appalling night. destined to walk different paths, destined to meet different people.

it's true when they say opposites attract but that's all there is to it.

because when they say opposites are meant for each other,

that's a whole different story.

(a letter to the man who was never meant for me)


forgive me for pouring my feelings into the internet as it is all i can do.

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