Sleepover! Pt.1

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Lisa POV

Mr.Jeon Came and helped me and took me to his House.

We were on the couch Talking about what happened.

"Lisa What In the actual Hell happened?" Mr.Jeon asked.

"Well I woke up to my dad telling Me to Wake up and Cussing me out and I knew my mom told him." I said.

We went down to the Living Room and He told me I shouldn't Have Sex with u and How you were Older but Guess What..." I said.

"What?" Mr.Jeon asked.

"When he dated my Mom he was Twice her age he was 23 and she was 21." I said.

" They had Sex and Dated and When I date Someone or even have Sex with them That is only One year older than me I am In trouble." I said.

"What Type of Shit is That?" I asked Confused.

"I don't know!" Mr.Jeon Exclaimed.

"Mr.Jeon have you ever Had a sleepover?" I asked.

"Umm...Once But My mom made me Come home so I didn't Get to spend the whole Night.

"We'll Call your friends it's Time for a Sleepover." I said.

Mr.Jeon called his Friends and They came Over.

" Okay so First we are gonna go To the Mall and Get what we Need!" I said.

"Then We Do something Till night and That's when our Sleepover."

We Drove to the Mall.

"Let's Go to Chanel!" Jennie Said.

"NO!" We all Yell.

Jennie Looks at us like we Serious and We nod.

"Okay Let's Go get Food!" I said.

We got Brownies and Chips,Marshmallows and Salad and Water.

To be continued

Sorry for the short Chapter but I have to sleep it is 2AM and I need Sleep


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