Cheater Saber/Artoria Pendragon (Fate Series)

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(Y/n) (L/n) was a master in a Holy Grail War, a battle between seven mages and their servants. His servant: Saber, Arturia Pendragon or King Arthur as she was more widely known as was an amazing fighter, intelligent, and beautiful. Needless to say our intrepid protagonist fell for her the moment he summoned her.

It took some time though, but he finally confessed to her and to his surprise returned his feelings. He was currently on his way back to the Emiya residence where he had been staying along with Shirou and Rin for the duration of their cease fire.

(Y/n): I'm back.

Announced (Y/n) as he removed his shoes and entered the estate. Flowers in hand he roamed the halls trying to find his beloved or anyone for that matter, they still had to discuss what to do with the heroic spirit who merely went by Archer as he had recently lost his master, and would faze out of existence if he did not create a pact with another mage soon.

(Y/n): Guys? Saber?

(Y/n) continued to roam, now peering through doors and sticking his head in to check. No such luck in the first few rooms, he approached a room with the lights on, and slid the sliding door open by a small amount. His mouth dried the moment he laid eyes on the scene before him.

Shirou a person he had come to see as a comrade, a brother. Was with Saber, a passionate moment was being shared by the two of them. (Y/n)'s hands felt weak, but he held firm and walked to the kitchen as his head hung low.

His eyes stung, but he ignored this as he placed the bags he had with him on the counter top. It was his turn to fix dinner for the group.

He let out a sigh before beginning, and began cooking.

About an hour later Rin's voice rang throughout the house. Her head popped into the kitchen, as she sniffed the scent of food in.

Rin: It smells delicious (Y/n)!

(Y/n): Oh hello Rin, I didn't realize you were home.

(Y/n) scanned the area, it was lacking in servants more specifically Rin's.

(Y/n): Where's Lancer? Will he be joining us for dinner?

Rin: Of course he is, you should've seen his face when I said you were cooking he was all: "Saber's master is cooking?! I'll be there before he opens the rice."

A chuckle escaped (Y/n)'s lips. He looked over to Rin who seemed to notice his odd demeanor.

Rin: Are you okay?

(Y/n): Just a bit tired, that's all. Can you call everyone?

She nods, and goes to call the other inhabitants of the house. Rin came back a few moments later with Shirou, Saber, Archer, and Lancer in tow. Lancer immediately sat down rubbing his hands in anticipation to eat the meal you had prepared; everyone followed suit, Saber however noticed an unusual lack of food on her plate, and turned to you.

Saber: (Y/n) where's my food?

(Y/n): I made something special for the one I love.

With a bowl in hand (Y/n) served Saber a bowl of Katsudon, her favorite. Her eyes lit up as she examined the dish.

Saber: Thank you (Y/n), I love you.

Those words impacted (Y/n)'s fractured heart like a bullet train, the sides of his lips tugged downwards. No one seemed to notice the strain in his voice as he choked out the words:

(Y/n): I love you too.

No one save for Archer. The (H/c) haired master made eye contact with the red clad servant, he seemed to understand the predicament the young master was in.

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