[XVIII] War of Miscreants

Start from the beginning


hundred years ago

"I refused to believe we are hopeless. I gave you my light, you are now free from all these. Please, listen to me. This is the only way out." The archangel pleads crying on the chest of the lowly being. The taint mark on his nape was a fresh as the fruits hung below the trees in the Garden of Eden. 

The hell prisoner was too determined to refused but at the end of the day, how could he say no to the one who made him feel all the forbidden emotions? How could he possibly say no to the literal light and comforting warmth of his existence? As planned, at the break of dawn. Ramiel used his remaining divine ability and broke the rule of hell, he managed to free the prisoner from the deepest part of the dungeon and run away with him to the human realm where other divine and archangels are. 

Uriel, the archangel of wisdom was the first being Ramiel approached. The angel of hope was desperately on his knees, begging help as he cries his heart out. Although Uriel himself was in deep pain at that moment because of the disappointment he was feeling for the love of his life for failing the test of faith because of envy, agreed to help Ramiel and the prisoner wholeheartedly. Ramiel desperately needs Uriel's wisdom to be freed from the oracle. 

The two archangels reach out to their brothers about what happened. Afraid at first but they all wanted happiness for Ramiel who only devoted his life serving the highest and its kingdom. In the midst of planning out for Ramiel's escape with the prisoner, they found Uriel agonizing near the lake. His tears and pain were hidden under the dark shadow of the moon. 

"You used to be overflowing with joy, what happened to the bond you have with him?" Gabriel, the messenger of heaven asked with his concerned eyes sparkling with concern. The other archangels carefully and patiently waited until Uriel was ready to open up.

The archangel then started telling that his other half was put through a test, testing the side of himself that might drag both of them to sin— his envious self. And miserably failed the test, the equivalent promise of that test was spelling both of them as mortals and live in the human realm without judgment from both worlds where they came from. In a blink of an eye, their relationship was ruined. Not only that they won't be granted a promise but they have to be apart and reflect on their own.

After that night of comforting Uriel, the archangels proceeded with their plan to hide Ramiel and the prisoner somewhere far, somewhere hard to discover but what they didn't know was the raging hatred of the guardian of hell.

On the night of the escape, Uriel's other half went back to hell to beg and make a trade to the guardian only to find out the plan of the archangels. The envious immortal found out that Ramiel broke the rule of hell making it lose its balance and because of that, everyone who also covered up for him should be punished and that includes his beloved Uriel— losing his last drop of chance with the archangel.

Through the immortal guards, Ramiel was brought back to heaven for interrogation and judgment. The archangel sinfully denied every accusation and once again tried to flee with the hell prisoner. Leaving the guardian of hell to declare war which will happen to the palace.

The envious immortal on the other hand was eaten by his sinful behavior upon hearing the news of Ramiel fleeing with the prisoner. He was envious of the fact that the archangel can still continue to love the prisoner despite ruining everyone else chance to pursue the love of their own. He was so envious that it drives him to reveal all the hidden affairs of archangels with the immortals. The news reached the garden of heaven, bringing the oracle in deep sorrow. That day, the court called for judgment but before that happens, the war already started.

The envious immortal and an immortal with so much rage of wrath battled against each other. He was determined to fight for the love he has for the messenger of heaven, Gabriel. Alongside that was the start of the immortals' attack on the solar— ending the lives of many.

In the midst of war, An immortal who devoted his life to the Angel of Healing— Raphael, greedily tried to take the archangel with him and take that chance to save the love they both have for each other. The greedy immortal tried following the step of Ramiel and the hell prisoner but in his attempt to escape, he was harmed by his own kind. Marks the bloody battle, the greedy immortal used all his strength to fight, but a poisoned arrow severely harmed his life right at the spot.

The archangel of healing cried to heaven's extent, wrapping the love of his life under his embrace until he had no tears left to cry. Raphael loves the greedy immortal more than his life that he used all his divine ability to save the latter, every drop of his energy and power until the last ray of his light disappeared into darkness that caused his death and healed the greedy immortal in return.

When Uriel found out about the passing of Raphael during the war, he tried to find him but failed to do so and had to set it aside for a little while. His heart ached in worry for his other half, he runs and runs in between immortals ending the divines lives until he found the envious immortal who turned into a rogue as a punishment from the guardian. Although broken-hearted, Uriel was left with no choice but to end his other half's life. Uriel wandered around the battlefield, crying with tears on his cheeks and blood on his hands.

Gabriel witnessed everything that happened during the war. The death of the divine beings, his brother's death for the greedy immortal, his brother's agony over the envious one, and his brother's forbidden love for the hell prisoner. The archangel was left with no choice but to make a decision, that same night he met the love of him at the farthest part of the palace where he saw the latter weak on his knees due to the battle. There, he bid his final goodbye— Gabriel choose his very last drop of innocence and turned his back to the immortal raging with wrath. He chooses his brothers over his love for the immortal, thinking that the love he has for him was nothing compared to the love has for his brothers.

As the war ended, the divines ascended back to heaven. Those who have greatly sinned were punished and thrown to the fires of hell while those who have maintained a bit of purity were given choices whether to choose the light and repent or not, and so they all choose light. Raphael was healed by the oracle while the other archangels had their memories erased to maintain purity. 

The immortals on the other hand went back to their own world. Six beings who committed greater and immoral acts by breaking the principles of hell and going in contrast to the guardian of hell's commandments were thrown to the darkest part, punished to carry the heaviness of their actions forever. And so, hell gave birth to the deadly sins, their memories cursed to be intact and never forgotten no matter what. It doesn't matter how and where but as a mortal being committed what they possessed, the heaviness and pain of carrying it will have to be on their burden. The six immortals were cursed to carry all the tears, pains, and suffering of all beings who were experiencing the one they possessed.

As for Ramiel and the hell prisoner, They were left behind for another day. The prisoner comes up with a big decision. To save his beloved from any more suffering and humiliation, he asked the archangel to go back to heaven where he belongs. Though the angel refused at first, the prisoner assured him that it was all for happiness and peace. To save him from being thrown in the fire later on. And as the archangel rose back to heaven, he was heartbroken but his mind remains in peace for he was doing it for his beloved.  

What the archangel did not know, was that the prisoner already made a trade to the oracle. The trade to remove the taint on the angel that would cause him to be claimed by darkness in his next life, in exchange for the prisoner's life during that time. The hell prisoner traded his life in exchange for Ramiel's salvation and the moment the mark of taint disappears from the archangel's nape, the hell prisoner closed his eyes and moved no more. 

The immortal rose from six feet under after a year and returned to complete the seven deadly sins as the strongest one— The sin of pride. 

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