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Nothing was wrong with Harry...he was just forgetful.

Sure sometimes he'd forget that he was supposed to be in a meeting, or the password to his phone, and maybe every now and then his PIN number, but who doesn't?

Louis noticed first. Thought that maybe he was under too much stress and was just overwhelmed with everything between keeping them a secret and staying on top of his duties in the band. This was until last night.
The boys were getting ready to go on stage- standing on the little platforms that would shoot them up and reveal them to the crowd. It was amazing really, they had the whole world in their hands and were incredibly grateful for it.

The music to Heart Attack started playing signaling that they would be going up any second now. Louis and Liam were already fucking around with eachother planning on having lots of fun and chaos on stage. Niall was tuning his guitar with the pick in his mouth (very last minute). Zayn was fixing his ear piece making sure he would be able to hear himself clearly, and Harry, well Harry was close to crying trying to remember the words to the song.

The song that he opened up.

Panic set through him and he could feel himself sweating, and yeah you forget the words sometimes but Harry couldn't even begin to remember his lyrics or anyone else's.

His heart was hammering in his chest and his hands were shaking nervously, his eyes shut tightly while he tried so desperately to remember. Unfortunately for Harry he didn't remember quick enough and the platforms shot up at the time Harry was supposed to start, but he didn't.

He could hear the screams from the crowd echoing all around him and he never felt so embarrassed so he instead put on a smile and held his mic out towards the crowd letting them sing the lyrics he was trying to remember. The boys gave him confused glances- Why would he let the crowd sing a song that is supposed to signal their arrival, but you know what they say the show must go on. And it did despite Harry constantly winning some songs and literally losing others.

When the last song had finished he had let the crowd sing his part in at least seven songs and at this point Louis was very concerned. It wasn't like Harry to forget his solos. It wasn't like Harry to forget at all until recently, and it had only been the smallest of things really, but this was something bigger.

They all smiled and waved before running downstage and jumping down the small space that led to the floor underneath, and as soon as they had made it down there Harry bursted into tears, dropping his mic to the floor and shoving his face into his hands as he sobbed uncontrollably. They all looked at Louis who was looking at Harry before nodding and walking away, giving the couple some privacy. Louis hurried closer to him and pulled him into a hug despite the fact that Harry was still cradling his own face.

"Harry..." Louis didn't really know what to say, there was no point in asking what was wrong he knew damn well there was something wrong and worrying going on in Harry's head.

"I just keep on forgetting everything!" He sobbed into his hands. "And I don't know why I can't remember anything, and it's not like I have it on the tip of my tongue because I don't, I just draw a blank slate and I don't know what to do, I-I just feel so stupid!"

Louis pulled him out of the hug, gently peeled Harry's hands from his face, and took off the American flag bandanna he was wearing thinking maybe it was squeezing his head too tight.

"Hey you are not stupid." He looked into his bright green eyes and held his cheeks wiping the tears that were coming down like rivers.

"I think that maybe." He bit his lip worried Harry would get mad or brush him off, but he wanted to say it-needed to really. "I think that maybe we should go see a doctor, you know maybe you have a slight concussion or something yeah?"

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