×Chapter 2×

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For the rest of the day all through your classes you couldn't stop thinking about the Periodic Table, it had so many elements on it, how were you going to learn them all by heart.
You sighed and gazed out the window bored of English, at least it was the last few minutes of it, you only had one last class left and it was Art, yay...(sarcasm alert). (Unless you love Art just don't read that part ;).
You hated/loved Art it was so interesting/boring and/but the teacher kinda sorta really sucked, she hated your class even when you did what she said.
*Bell Rings*
"Alright! Class dismissed!" The teacher called out, again the class was off and away, far away.
You walked to lunch with your friend Ella and met up with a bunch of your other friends, but all to soon that came to an end and you found yourself walking to Art class.
It dragged on for what felt like a billion years, but it finally ended and you were walking home.
When you arrived home you went straight to your room and practiced the Periodic Table, you were home alone anyway so there was no one to say hello to.
You set yourself up for a long hour of studying at your desk...
Nevermind you fell asleep at your desk and awoke to the sound of thunder and rain outside, it was so dark that you turned on your lamp.
You looked over to the Periodic Table and sighed, you looked at the clock in your room and it read 4:30pm.
You sighed heavier and stared out the window.

Periodic Table X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now