Will you be my player two?

Start from the beginning

Recap : Ajey confesses his feelings for you and is waiting for your final answer and just then Derrick calls you.
You answered the call.
Y/N : What is it, Derrick?
Derrick : You didn't exactly reply to my job offer... I just wanted to check on that.
Y/N : Derrick...
Derrick : I'm leaving for London tonight to talk to potential shareholders. I was wondering if you'd like to come along to meet them.
Y/N : M-me?
Derrick : Like I said, I see you as equal, Y/N. You'll have just as much power as I do in my company.
Y/N : You think too highly of me, Derrick. Besides, this is too much for me.
Derrick : I believe in you. You're definitely more than capable.
He takes a deep breath.
Derrick : You know how I feel about you, Y/N. But I know I don't deserve to feel that way after what I've done.
Y/N : (I want to get mad at him for lying to me, but why is that so hard? If taking ABC Gaming down was his goal, he didn't have to help me out in my hard times. He didn't know how close I was to Ajey back then. Even after he found it, if he wanted to ruin Ajey, he could have easily exposed our secret a long time ago - that the CEO was messing around with an intern. But Derrick didn't. Could it be that he was trying to protect me?)
Y/N : You kept my secret. You could have used it, but you didn't.
It's silent on the other end for a while.
Derrick : I'd never hurt you like that.
Y/N : (In his own way, Derrick was always there for me.)
Derrick : But I know the damage has been done. All I can ask for is a new start. Come with me to London and let's start over. Let's get to know each other again and work on the game we always talked about making together. I'll be waiting for you at the airport.
Y/N : (Ajey is waiting for my answer and Derrick is waiting for me at the airport! What should I do?)
You're blank and did what your heart said. Hurriedly, you hung up the phone and dash out of the bar. It was raining heavily but it didn't bothered you.
Y/N : Ajey! Wait!
You roam the street frantically.
Y/N : Ajey! (Where he could be?)
You dash across the road.
Y/N : Ajey!
You finally spot him in the distance and rush towards him.
Y/N : Ajey!
          Ajey! Don't go!
Ajey turns around and his eyes widen in shock. He dashes towards you and shields you from the rain with his umbrella.
Ajey : Y/N?! What are you doing out in the rain? Are you crazy?
Y/N : You said you wanted an answer, so here I am!
He immediately takes off his jacket and wraps it around you.
Ajey : Fuck! You're freezing!
He pulls you close to him and rub your back in an attempt to warm you up.
Y/N : Ajey, I.... I love you! I love you, Ajey -
He crashes you tightly to his chest.
Ajey : Fuck, she still loves me.... Oh, thank you.
He mutters under his breath as he embraces you tightly.
Ajey : I love you too, Y/N. I'm so sorry I made you cry.
He kisses your hair.
Ajey : Confessing in the rain? I thought this only happened in my movies.
Your tears turn into laughter.
Y/N : It's romantic!
Ajey : Let's get out of the rain, alright?
A few months later...
Y/N : (It's been a while now, but it still feels surreal to wake up in his bed, beside him.)
You stretch lazily and roll to your side to better admire Ajey's sleeping face.
Y/N : (I still have my own apartment and we agreed to take things slow, but it feels like I'm staying over here every other day.
He looks so peaceful; it makes me want to play with his hair.)
You shuffle Ajey's hair playfully and kiss him on the cheek.
Ajey smiles.
Ajey : Morning ☺
Y/N : Morning 😊
He gives you a little wink before he trails kisses down your neck.
Y/N : Ajey! We just woke up!
Ajey : I know, but we didn't get to do anything last night.
Y/N : And whose fault was that? You fell asleep before me.
Ajey : And whose fault was that? I wanted to quit my job, but someone refused to let me. Work's been hectic!
Y/N : (Ajey wanted to quit to protect what we have, but if didn't feel right. I convinced him to stay. Thankfully, after a successful launch, Ajey's father kept to his promise and left ABC Gaming alone. Besides, no matter what he pulls in the future, I know what we have is stronger than that.)
You snap out of your thoughts as you feel Ajey's hand around you, tickling your belly.
Y/N : Ajey... We have work.
Ajey : It can wait.
Y/N : No, it can't wait! 😝
Ajey : Fine, but there's no escaping tonight.
Ajey heads to work... And so do you.
He revealed that had it not been for the scandal, you would have been offered the full - time position. And he swore he had nothing to do with the decision. He explained to the board that it was all just a misunderstanding, and you were invited back to ABC Gaming as a full-time employee.
At the end of a day at work...
Raven : Still not leaving, Y/N?
Y/N : I'm about to.
Ajey : Sorry to keep you waiting, Y/N!
Raven : Mr. Nagar? Oh I see. Date night tonight? 😁
Ajey : Yes. So please spare me, Raven. 😅
Y/N : (The whole company knows that we're dating now. It's a relief! We don't have to pretend anymore. Sure, there were some nasty rumors at the start, but they only made me more determined to prove myself. And I can say with confidence that my work has successfully shut them up.)
Y/N : Where are we going tonight? 😳
Ajey : Actually, I was hoping to try out the new video game I found.
Y/N : A video game? 🤩 What genre? Action? Strategy? Adventure?
He chuckles before he takes your hand and kisses the back of it.
Ajey : Only one way to find out. Let's go!
At the penthouse...
You're seated on the couch beside Ajey as you immerse yourself in the game. It's a rather simple RPG where you play as an adventurer on a quest to find the hidden treasure on an island. The artwork is exquisite, and there's just a right amount of action... You especially love how the character looks a little like you! The only complaint you have is the duration of the gameplay. In fact, you're already at the final boss level less than an hour in.
Ajey : What do you think about it?
Y/N : It's a little too fast!
Ajey : Yeah. That's what I thought when I first played it too. We're thinking of investing in their company and I thought I'd hear your thoughts about it first. Let's play on! Maybe it gets better after the final boss battle?
Y/N : Okay!
You easily defeat the boss and head towards the treasure chest. But when your character opens it, it's empty!
Y/N : Where's the treasure? There's nothing inside! Is that a glitch? Is there more to the game -
You turn to Ajey. He's down on one knee and he's holding an engagement ring!
Ajey : Here's the treasure.
Y/N : Ajey! 😲
Ajey : Will you be my player two for the rest of the lives? Will you marry me, Y/N?
Y/N : Oh! Yes 😭
He slips the ring on your finger before he plants a soft kiss on your lips.
Y/N : Did you designe the game for me?
Ajey : Yeah. I did everything myself! The drawing, the rendering, the effects...
Y/N : I thought she looked like me! Ajey! This is adorable! 😍
Y/N : 😎 But I would think twice about investing in the developer, though... The graphics are little choppy and the dialogue is a little bit of a drag, and -
He silences you with a kiss.
Y/N : Ajey!
Ajey : I love you.
Y/N : I love you too.
You erupt into a fit of giggles as Ajey swiftly bridal carries you into his room.


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