Quasi's Alphabet Lesson

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Maria's POV

Hi I am Maria Celeste Frollo, the only daughter of Judge Claude Frollo. My mother Celeste died when I was six due to a plague that swept through our city. That was twenty years ago.

Another thing that happened twenty years ago was dad became the care taker of a deformed baby boy. He left him in Notre Dame, so that he remained hidden from the world. He didn't want me to know about my adoptive little brother Quasimodo.

But when I was eleven. I was curious and wanted to know where my dad disappeared every day. So I followed him to Notre Dame and up to the bell tower. I stayed hidden until he left and then introduced myself to Quasi. Who was only five at the time. He was shy at first. But we quickly became best friends.

So I continued to meet him in secret for three years. Until my dad found out. I was grounded for a month. But afterwards dad allowed me to go with him to visit Quasi. But I was not allowed to see him alone. However, he forbid me from ever talking about Quasi outside of the bell tower.

When I wasn't with dad and Quasi or at school. I was wondering the city with my friend Phoebus. Who is four years older then me. But he left when he turned eighteen to join the army. After he left I started to explore the city alone and discovered gypsies. They are performers. Which dad hated.

I'd always go to their performances in secret. Especially Clopin's puppet shows, which I find very amusing. He is two years older then me and quiet handsome to me. He even gave me a flower once and I've kept it ever since in my hidden diary.

Today is my twenty-sixth birthday and the Festival of Fools. Dad and I are going as he has to go & I want to go. Anyway dad's made me put on my best black dress with a white trim around the neckline. I slipped into my black flats as I brush my hair humming to king of fools song.

"Do behave more lady like at the festival" dad tells me as he enters the room straightening his best robes.

"Don't I always father?" I ask him as I put the brush down. "Why am I wearing this again?" I ask him curious.

"Because Captain Phoebus is returning from war and I wish for him to take a liking to you" he states. I frown trying to hide my disgust. Phoebus is like an older brother to me. I'd never love him that way. Though I am happy he is returning, it's been twelve years since I last saw him. Though we did write occasionally over the years. "Are you ready?" he asks me.

"Yes, are we seeing Quasi today?" I ask him.

"Yes, right now before the festival begins" he tells me. He puts his hat on and we leave our house. We get into a carriage and it takes us to Notre Dame.

Once we arrive we head inside and up the stairs to the bell tower. We hear Quasi talking to someone or something. But he stops when he sees us enter the room. We see three stone gargoyles around him.

"Good Morning Quasi" I say with a smile.

"Good morning Quasimodo" dad says.

"Ah--um, good...morning Maria, master" Quasi stutters.

"Dear boy, whomever are you talking to?" dad asks him.

"My friends" Quasi says looking at the three gargoyles.

"I see" dad says and taps one of them on the head. "And what are your friends made of, Quasimodo?" he asks him.

"Stone" Quasi answers lowering his head and dad grabs his chin making him look up at him.

"Can stone talk?" dad asks him.

"No, it can't" Quasi answers.

"That's right. You're a smart lad. Now...lunch" dad tells him. As we sit at the table. Upon hearing the word, Quasi goes off and retrieves a table setting. Two silver chalices and plates for dad and I. Then a wooden cup and plate for himself.

"Shall we review your alphabet today?" I ask Quasi.

"Yes, I'd like that very much" Quasi tells us. Dad takes out a book as I divide the fruit between us. Then fill up our cups.

"Very well, A?" dad asks Quasi.

"Abomination" Quasi says.

"B?" I ask.

"Blasphemy" Quasi answers and I nod my head.

"C?" dad asks not impressed.

"C-c-c-contrition" Quasi says with a little difficulty.

"D?" dad says.

"Damnation" Quasi answers.

"E?" dad asks him as I take a sip of my drink.

"Eternal Damnation" Quasi tells him.

"F?" I ask him as Dad takes a sip of his drink.

"Festival" Quasi says absentmindedly making dad choke on his drink.

"Excuse me?" dad demands.

"Forgiveness" Quasi says quickly. 

"You said festival" dad says closing his book. Quasi tries to deny it. "You are thinking about going to the festival" he says as he stands up. I pack the basket, my back to them.

"It's just that...you both go every year" Quasi tells him.

"I am a public official. I must go! But I don't enjoy a moment. Thieves and cut purses, the dregs of humankind, all mixed together in a shallow, drunken stupor" dad tells him. I roll my eyes as he can't see them with my back to him.

"I don't mean to upset you master" Quasi assures him.

"Quasimodo, can't you understand? When your heartless mother abandoned you as a child, anyone else would have drowned you. And this is my thanks for taking you in and raising you as my son?" dad asks him.

"I'm sorry, sir" Quasi tells him.

"Oh, my dear Quasimodo, you don't know what it's like out there. I do...I do" dad tells him as I hold the basket. We start to leave as dad sings.

"The world is cruel
The world is wicked
It's we alone whom you can trust in this whole city
We are your only friends

I who keep you, teach you, feed you, dress you
We who look upon you without fear
How can I protect you, boy, unless you
Always stay in here
Away in here" he sings. Personally I think the world would accept Quasi. But I'd never go against my father. "Remember what I taught you, Quasimodo" dad tells him. "You are deformed" he sings.

"I am deformed" Quasi repeats singing.

"And you are ugly" dad sings.

"And I am ugly" Quasi sings.

"And these are crimes
For which the world
Shows little pity
You do not comprehend" dad tells him singing.

"You are my one defender" Quasi sings holding his figurine of himself. He'd made it and others along with the town out of wood. Dad tells it from him placing it on top of Notre Dame as he continues to sing.

"Why invite their calumny
And consternation
Stay in here
Be faithful to me" he sings.

"I'm faithful" Quasi says.

"Grateful" dad says.

"I'm grateful" Quasi says.

"Do as I say
And stay
In here" dad tells him.

"You are good to me, master. I'm sorry" Quasi tells him as I open the door.

"You are forgiven. But, remember, Quasimodo: this is your sanctuary" dad tells him. And we leave to attend to festival together.


Picture above of the cast.

Hunchback of Notre Dame: Maria FrolloUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum