The save

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It had just been under a month since Liv had bumped into Lieutenant Speirs, to say she was a little upset was an understatement. She wanted to get to know the man, but with being in different company's she knew it wouldn't happen.
Today was another day of training out in the scorching Georgia sun. It felt like it was getting hotter everyday.

"You are at the position of attention!" Everyone was already standing straight up at attention, they had all learnt very quickly that Sobel would find anything he could to dis them, to make them feel like shit, and to make them break. Everyone someone would break the whole company would be there for them.

"Private Bullshit! Is this dirt on your collar!" Sobel yelled in Malarkey's face, he didn't bat an eyelid.
"What's your excuse!"
"No excuse sir" malarkey yelled as Sobel walked away, Liv knew he would come to her at some point, and she was right.
"Corporal Goldstone, your still here I see" Liv smirked a little and looked up into his eyes.
"Yes sir" his face dropped.
"What are you still here you worthless little whore" he spat in her face.
"Because I'm Easy's Sniper sir" she replied. He huffed and walked off. She could feel the look of some of the guys, they couldn't believe that she had just talked to him like that. But she didn't care.

"Get into PT gear! We are running up Currahee!" Everyone was dismissed and started making their way to get changed. Most of the men had learnt to do what Liv had done, and that was to wear there PT gear under neither there OD's, it was the fastest way to get changed.
"Liv you ok?" Liebgott asked, she walked next to him.
"Yeah peachy" she snapped, some of the guys looked her way, she didn't give them a chance to talk to her, she ran out the barrack door and made her way to start running Currahee.
As she was running on the gravel past the other companies barrack, she could see lieutenant Speirs walking towards her, they others had court up to her fast, and make there way over as group. As she ran past Speirs he nodded to her and she just gave him a small smile and carried on running.

After half way down the mountain, Liv could feel her legs start to go to jelly, she hadn't eaten enough today, she was feeling light headed as well.
Lucky she got down to camp and made her way back to the barracks, she was one of the first back which surprised her a little.
As she slowed down to a walk, she hadn't looked up to see where she was going and she collided with someone. She gasped as she hit the floor.
"Fucking fantastic" she whispered but she heard a chuckle, she looked up and came face to face with Speirs.
"You okay Liv? You look at big fucked off" she couldn't help but scoff and stand up off the gravel.
"Uh yeah I'm fine" she told him, he wasn't buying it.
"It's to do with Sobel isn't it?" Her eyes went wide.
"How did you know?" He grinned at her.
"Just a lucky guess I suppose." She chuckled and looked back up at him.
"Well yeah it's about him... he called me a whore today, like it doesn't normally get to me, but today it did and it just annoyed the fuck out of me" Ron's face softened as he listened to her.
"Well for one you aren't a whore Liv, and two don't bloody listen to him" she laughed and nodded.
"Thanks, well I better go have a shower" he nodded his head and moved over so she could walk off to the showers.

After standing in the shower for a good hour Liv decided it was time to get out and just go to bed, the guys had already had there showers before her, she told them all to go to bed and they didn't think twice of it. Liv wasn't meant to be left alone, especially at night time. As Liv walked her way back to her barracks she could hear footsteps behind her, she didn't even think twice about who it might be, that was until a hand went around her mouth and she was dragged by the arm behind a barrack. She tried to scream but it came out muffled. The person had a strong grip on her. She tried hitting his arm to let her go but nothing. She started to panic a little.
The person shoved her up against the barrack wall while keeping a hand over her mouth. She decided she needed to do something, so she bit the guys hand.
"You fucking bitch" the guy winced in pain, the next thing you knew a fist collided with your face, you screamed in pain, the guy had punched you in the eye. He then punched you in the stomach and then pinned you against the wall again.
"Your mine" he told her and she started to cry, her night wasn't meant to go like this.
"What's going on here!" Liv turned to see the one person she really didn't expect to see. Ronald Speirs.
"Uh I was just making sure she was ok" the guy in front of you said, Liv looked at Ron and he could see that wasn't the truth.
"Oh really, then do you wish to explain why you have her pinned against a wall?" Ron asked and started walking slowly over to you. The guy dropped you and went to swing at Ron.
"Sir!" You gasped. Before the guy could do anything, Ron had punched him clean in the face, knocking the fucker out.
You sobbed as you felt the pain in your eye start to throb. Ron rushed over to you.
"Hey, it's alright Liv we will get you cleaned up" you nodded and he picked you up bridal style and started walking to you barracks.
"I'm so sorry, I feel like a idiot" Ron looked down at Liv and sighed.
"Liv this isn't your fault, he should never of touched you like that" you could feel the tears forming again and you just cried into his Chest.
Ron kissed your head and held you tight.

Once Ron had walked into your barrack all eyes were on you both. George and Floyd jumped up straight away and made there way over to Liv.
"Liv what the hell happened?" George asked as he looked between her and Speirs.
Ron put liv down and held your sides so you didn't fall.
"I think you are in good hand now Liv, if you need anything you know where I am okay?" Ron told her, she nodded and he left, but not before he looked back at you with a sad smile.
"Liv" she turned and saw George again.
"I got beaten up" was all she managed to get out before George pulled her into a hug. Everyone was fucking pissed, know body touched Liv, not there sunshine.

Normally liv was the one in the company to cheer everyone up when things got low, or to joke around with the boys. But ever since that night she got beaten up her mood had stayed down and low, she wasn't feeling up to joking around or even smiling in general, all the boy could see how upset she was over the whole thing, they were annoyed at the fact that someone did that to there sunshine, there girl.
Liv hadn't seen Ron since that night. All she wanted was to be back in his warm arms just like that night.
Thinking about it she could feel the warm from him when he carried her, she felt safe in his hands, that's all she wanted was to feel safe.
As everyone had finished PT for the day liv decided to go in search of the lieutenant from Dog company.
"Liv where you going?" She heard Bill call out to her but she didn't stop or turn to answer. Bill looked to the boys around him and they all sighed and shrugged there shoulders.
They wanted the smiling liv, the happy liv, the outgoing girl they meet not that long ago. But all they saw was a sad depressed female. It didn't sit well with most of the boys.

As Liv walked in search of the lieutenant she came across Lewis. He was a good friend to her, he had known about what had happened to her as Ron as told him, he wasn't happy about it.
"Hey you" Lewis said as you got closer, you gave him a small smile. He knew it was completely fake.
Hey" you whispered and he put his shoulder over you.
"Where is smiling liv gone huh? The boys are worried about you" you shrugged at him. You didn't know how to get out of your depressed mood.
"I don't know, all I can think about is that night" you felt lewis grip of you tighten, and he sighed while looking down at you.
"Look liv what happened isn't acceptable at all, try not to worry about it, and I know that's hard but everyone is worried about you" you nodded your head and looked up at him.
"Come here" he said as he stopped walking with you and held his arms out, you walked into them and he hugged you, you hugged back.
"Lewis do you know where Lieutenant Speirs is?" You asked as you pulled away, you saw a small smirk on his face.
"Well that liv I do know, why you looking for him?" He asked as he guided you to where Ron would be.
"Well I just wanted to talk to him, he said if I need him or anything then to just find him" Lewis nodded and smiled down at her.

After a couple of minutes Lewis led liv to the officers barracks. He opened to the door for you and you walked in.
Lewis got to another door and opened it and went in with you behind him.
"Ron I have a guest here to see you?" Lewis said and you blushed. Ron looked up confused but when he saw you he stood up and looked right into your eyes, he wasn't oblivious to all the talk that went around about how your mood at changed since that night.
"Liv" he said and Lewis left the room and winked at you know and walked out, you rolled your eyes at lewis as he walked out.
"You alright Liv?" Ron asked as he walked over to you. You nodded your head but she felt her eyes fill with tears. She wasn't going to let them fall she thought.
Ron could see the tears forming and just pulled her into his chest while wrapping his arms around her.
"Hey everything going to be okay, he isn't here to hurt you anymore" you pulled away and looked Ron in the eyes.
"How did you know it was about that?" She whispered and Ron chuckled.
"I could tell by the look on your face, and plus your talk around here at the moment, just remember liv he doesn't need to consume your life, he got his punishment for doing what he did" Liv didn't know what to say. She just looked up at him and he looked down at her.
"I suppose I better get back to the boys" she said and smiled up at him. A proper smile. The first smile in over two weeks. Ron nodded his head and she turned around to walk out the door but turned back to look at Ron. He was still watching her.
"Thank you sir" she said and he raised his eyebrows.
"For what?" He asked and she smiled while looking down at their feet.
"Just for being there, and for helping me" and with that she turned and walked out the door, Ron had a smile on his face as he went back to his paper work.
Olivia Goldstone was a women who never left Ronald Speirs mind. And not many women came into his mind, but Olivia was completely different.

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