Timebreaker...... (i)

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This image is so good that I downloaded it as soon as possible! Anywayzz, back to the story!

Scene: Tom & Sabine Boulangerie Patisserie. Marinette walks down the stairs and sees her mother.

Sabine: Well? With or without?

Marinette: Uh, with?

Sabine: You're sure it's not better without?

Marinette: Either way, you look perfect, Mom.

Sabine: You know? It's not every day you celebrate your twentieth wedding anniversary.

Tom: (off-camera) Marinette! Could you have a minute, please? (Marinette runs over to him) Well?

Marinette: Well, what?

Tom: My mustache, I groomed it. Is it too short? Should I shave the whole thing off? Maybe it's a little crooked on one–

Marinette: You look perfect, Dad. Uh, except for one thing. (points at his dirty baking apron, which he is still wearing)

Tom: Uh? Thanks, sweetheart. (runs off)

Marinette: (chuckles) No problem Dad! (later, Marinette pushes her parents out of the doors)

Marinette: You're going to be late!

Tom: Now don't forget Mrs. Chamack will be coming by to pick up the Eiffel Tower cake in 30 minutes. I'm depending on you.

Marinette: Yeah, yeah. No sweat, piece of cake. (they leave and Marinette lets Plagg out) Wow, married twenty years. That's pretty cool, huh Plagg?

Plagg: Uhh... That's grosser than freshly made cheese! How do you people M-a-rr-y?

Scene: Le Grand Paris. Marinette's parents sit down to eat.

(Tom notices someone and waves and Alix waves back. It's Alix sitting at another table with her father.)

Alix: They're Marinette's parents. You know, one of the chicks I hang out with?

Mr. Kubdel: Yes, I remember. They make the best bread in the whole of Paris. (he notices one of Alix's sneakers) Couldn't you have made more of an effort to dress nicely?.

Alix: What do you mean? I took off my cap.

(she points to her cap)

Mr. Kubdel: But this is a special day.

Alix: Well, it's only a birthday.

Mr. Kubdel: No, this is a special birthday (reaches inside his jacket pocket and brings out a watch) This family heirloom was made by one of our ancestors many, many years ago. It's been passed down from one generation to the next, on their 15th birthday. And today, it's your turn to inherit it.

Alix: It's pretty sweet, dad. But I've already got a watch, synced up to my smartphone.

Mr. Kubdel: But sometimes there's more to things than meets the eye. Let's just say that our ancestor was... (opens the watch) Ahead of his time. (Alix gasps)

Mr. Kubdel: Of course, I'd understand if you'd rather me buy you a new pair of rollerblades.

Alix: No, Dad! I'm stoked to have it. It's awesome, thank you! (The phone rings)

Mr. Kubdel: Are your friends waiting?

Alix: Yeah, but I don't wanna bail on you. It's cool.

Mr. Kubdel: No, no, go ahead. (Alix stands up and grabs her cap) Now, take good care of it.

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