Stormy Weather...... (iii)

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Lady Noir: You just won yourself a cat fight!

Stormy Weather: Black ice! (She uses her parasol to coat the street with ice; then creates another wind blast.)

Misterbug: (catching Lady Noir) Gotcha!

(Stormy Weather sees a screen with Mireille and blasts it.)

Lady Noir: A little Lady Noir will take the wind out of her sails!

Misterbug: (he grabs Lady Noir by her tail) Whoa, kitty kitty. You better think before you leap.

(Lady Noir pets her tail)

Lady Noir: You got a plan?

Misterbug: Just follow my lead. (Runs along the face of a building, prompting Lady Noir to do likewise on the other side of the street.)

Stormy Weather: Ugh...

Misterbug: Hoaaah!

Lady Noir: Uhhhhh!

Stormy Weather: Not you again! (Fires a windy blast at them, knocking them backward through the air, along with several vehicles.)

Misterbug and Lady Noir: Ahhhhhh!

Misterbug: Huh? (Sees a bus about to crash onto them.)

(Misterbug uses his yo-yo as a shield. His yo-yo cuts a circular hole on the side of the bus, saving Misterbug and Lady Noir. The yo-yo stops spinning and falls on Lady Noir's head.)

Lady Noir: Ow!

(Lady Noir is mad at Misterbug after his yo-yo fell on her head as Misterbug chuckles.)

Scene: The Place des Vosges. Alya is playing with Manon while trapped in the frozen merry-go-round.

Alya: Lemonade, crunchy ice, hit it once, hit it twice, freeze!

Manon: Hey, no fair, you always win, uni!

Manon: (hears ice cracking) What's that?

Alya: It's... the big goblin king! He ate too much and split his shirt! Wahahaha! (chases Manon)

(The ice cracks again)

Alya: Wanna hear a story? (leads Manon under the merry-go-round)

Scene: City

Hawk Moth: (To Stormy Weather) You showed them all who the real winner is, my weather girl. But now is the time for you to fulfill your part of the agreement. And here's my plan.

Misterbug: Maybe she's got some anger issues!

Lady Noir: Or she didn't pass her driving test!

Stormy Weather (from the cracked screen) Hello, viewers! Here's the latest forecast for the first day of summer. Looks like Mother Nature had a change of plans. Summer vacation is officially over!

Lady Noir: Already? But I look so good in a swimsuit. (she smiles and wiggles her eyebrows and nose at Misterbug)

Misterbug: The cat suit will do, thanks. At least now we know where to find her.

Stormy Weather: (from the screen) Prepare for the worst weather in history!

Lady Noir: (Sees a poster of Aurore) Hey! That girl reminds me of someone!

Misterbug: It's her! The akuma must be in her parasol!

Stormy Weather: (from the screen) In Stormy Weather's world, it's Winter Wonderland FOREVER!

(Misterbug and Lady Noir enter the studio, but they see no one.)

Misterbug: It's a recording!

(Stormy Weather cackles and fires a lightning bolt at a light. Lights go out in the building.)

Hawk Moth: This is all going wonderfully according to plan. Soon their Miraculous will be mine. Bring them to me!

(Stormy Weather giggles.)

Lady Noir: Frosty the Snowgirl's getting away! (Misterbug trips and falls.) Oh, do I hear a damsel in distress?

Misterbug: Some of us don't have night vision... Whoa!

Lady Noir: (grabs Misterbug's hand and leads her along the way) No need to bug out. Just trust me!

Scene: The Place des Vosges. Alya is telling a story to Manon.

Alya: Then the cyclops monster picked the princess up in his hand and said, "Look into my eye!" (Manon laughs) Then, gluck! She stuck a finger right in it! As soon as she took a bite of the cursed potato, the poor princess fell into a deep, deep sleep. (An icicle breaks through the top of the merry-go-round) Hurry up, Misterbug, Lady Noir... (hugs Manon)

Scene: Darkened KIDZ+ building. Misterbug and Lady Noir, who continues leading her by the hand, are looking for Stormy Weather, using Lady Noir's night vision.

Misterbug: Okay, that's enough. I think I can manage to--

Lady Noir: Duck!

(A fire extinguisher canister thrown by Stormy Weather narrowly misses Misterbug.)

Misterbug: --follow your lead on this one.

(Misterbug and Lady Noir finally reach the top of the building.)

Stormy Weather: You airheads! You fell right into my trap! (makes a whirlwind appear with her parasol)

Hawk Moth: The time is now! Bring me the Miraculous!

Stormy Weather: There's no way out! Party's over, fools!

Lady Noir: We're just-- (sees Misterbug holding her hand)

Misterbug: Heh-heh... (lets go of Lady Noir)

Misterbug: We're just getting started, Stormy! Lucky Charm! (Misterbug's Lucky Charm superpower gives her a bath towel.) A bath towel? What am I supposed to do with this?

Lady Noir: Great. So, we're about to be obliterated, but... At least we'll be dry.

Misterbug: Just hold your whiskers.

Stormy Weather: Hail! (A hailstorm appears)

(Lady Noir spins his staff to make a shield and protect Misterbug from the hail.)

Lady Noir: So what's the plan for getting the akuma back? My arm's starting to get a cramp!

Misterbug: (uses her Lucky Vision. It shows her an HVAC tube, the bath towel, and a sign) See that sign over there? Check it out!

Lady Noir: All right. Cataclysm? (to Stormy Weather) Hey, Coldilocks! Is that all you got?

( Stormy Weather attacks Lady Noir with lightning,but he dodges. She uses her Cataclysm to make the billboard fall down, its aimtoward Stormy Weather. She blasts a hole in it and Misterbug wraps her yo-yoaround Stormy Weather's ankle. Misterbug takes off running under pipes andagainst a crane before jumping over an HVAC. Opening the towel, Misterbug soarsin the air, pulling down Stormy Weather. The speed at which she falls and theangle of the crane cause her to lose her parasol as Misterbug hears a screamingStormy Weather. Lady Noir catches it, tossing it to Misterbug.)

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