"Well, now that we have that settled are you a little more okay about the comments?"

"I guess. I just hope that no one from school sees me wearing a headband. I'd hate to have to endure one more thing at school." I said.

"You'll be fine Brandon, you've been doing so much better at dealing with them that I don't honestly think it would be worth their time. Besides, I'd help you out if something were to happen, okay?"

"Okay." I sat there for a brief moment before asking, "Do you know where the bathroom is? I really need to go."

"Yeah, I'll show you. I really need to go too!"

We walked down a hallway and found a set of restrooms. I half hesitated when I went into the men's room... I hoped no one freaked out and thought I was a girl going in the boy's room... Thankfully the restroom was empty when I went into it, and I came out without anyone seeing me. I waited for Amy outside of the restroom and she emerged shortly.

"Ready to go back up?" She asked.

"Yeah. Do we have time for another run?" I asked looking at my watch. It read 3:30.

"We should if we hurry and take one of the easier green trails that we can go faster on." I nodded and we hurried off to grab our skis and go on up the chair lift.

There was a different guy at the bottom of the lift and he said, "Have a good run, ladies."

I couldn't believe it... Maybe my plan could actually work. Amy was pretty accepting of me at this moment. I was beginning to think that she would be if I ever told her the truth too. I just didn't know if I could do that yet... I decided it didn't matter right now. The important thing was to have fun with my new best friend – or at least my newly announced best friend.

We got to the top and Amy said, "Let's try not to kill you again okay? I want to go shopping once we're done with this run!"

I said, "I'd certainly like to stay in one piece too, so I'll go for that plan." With that we began down the slope. Thankfully this time we didn't have any more acrobatics from me, and we made it down to the spot we were supposed to meet her parents at 4:20. We thought we might beat them, but they were already sitting there drinking coffee.

"How did your day go guys?" Mrs. Hancock asked.

Amy answered first, "Well other than Brandon trying to kill himself on some moguls not much!" She said with a wink.

"You had a decent spill huh?" Mr. Hancock asked.

"I think it looked pretty impressive. I wasn't hurt, but I definitely tumbled head over heels a couple times. I had fun though!" I said grinning.

I could tell that they decided it must not have been a big deal by the way their faces relaxed a bit.

"Well what do you want to do now?" Amy asked her parents.

"Why don't we go down into town and go shopping on Main Street. Then we've got reservations at a restaurant for 6:30pm. Does that sound alright?" her mom asked.

We both nodded. "Okay then, let's put the skis up on the rack and get going!" her dad said.

We got everything loaded up and sat down in her parent's car. As we were leaving I reached up to scratch my head and felt the headband still in my hair... Oh no!

I had intended to take that out before her parents saw me with it... I decided to do damage control and just go ahead and take it off. Amy saw what I was doing and grabbed it as I passed it to her. She then discreetly put it back in her bag. Her parents didn't say anything about it, so I decided they must not have noticed.

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