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'It's getting cold'.

That's all Izuku could think of.

The clouds started to gather not too long ago;about the first week of November.Everyone in the city began wearing warmer clothes and using warmer blankets.They began making and taking much more warmer food and drinks.Izuku knew it's that time of year again.

Christmas is on its way;and everyone is already decorating their homes with ornaments and decorations.The classic Christmas trees and stockings were put on display for everyone to see.He could hear carols and Christmas songs inside stores and from people.

A sign.A reminder.A tradition.

He could see the children playing by the sidewalk,running and screaming in glee as they chased one another through the chilly air as the adults watched from the sidelines,small and fond smiles etched their faces.

He could see teenagers and adults alike going in and out of stores,either with bags and wrapped presents,or just empty handed as they search for better gifts.

Izuku knew he should be back at UA now,but he couldn't help it.He wanted to take a walk around the city,just nearby the school.He's been doing this for as long as he could remember,that's it's almost a tradition to him.

Except...he's missing one thing.

But that's alright.That one missing thing has always been missing;ever since he was diagnosed Quirkless.

He misses it thought,but it was alright.He was already used to this;walking through the city,alone and cold.


Izuku brought his hands to his arms,holding on tight to keep warm.He watched as faint fog escape his lips.His cheeks growing more red from the cool air.He keeps on walking,knowing it'll only get more colder if he just stands still like a light post and freeze.

Quickly,he rubbed his hands together,a small heat seeping through the fabric of his mittens before rubbing it on his arms.He couldn't help but wonder off again in his thoughts.

Damn he really misses the old days.

But it's pointless to think about it,Izuku thinks.His Kacchan's probably busy back at UA,preparing for the upcoming Christmas party or just hanging around with his new friends,doing whatever they like to do while Iida chews them out again.


It's almost as if the good 'ol days were just yesterday.When all of them hadn't had their quirks yet,and they were all so so close.How Kacchan can keep him warm by tugging Izuku closer so they could share the same big coat.

And when Kacchan got his quirk,he's gotten more warmer.His hands were the warmest!

He remembers how Kacchan would take his hands into his and let the warmth filled his system.It was comforting.

But since he was declared Quirkless,Kacchan stopped giving him warmth.Kacchan stopped giving him comfort.

But that's ok.I̶t̶s̶ h̶i̶s̶ f̶a̶u̶l̶t̶ a̶n̶y̶w̶a̶y̶s̶.

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