"Am I in danger again?" Yuna asked, scared that she would go missing just like her father had.

"No, of course not." Younghoon said gently. "We just want to keep you extra safe, so your going to be with me and Yujin here at our base quite often. You'll also see Jiwon." He gulped, "and Hyunjae quite a lot."

Yuna lit up. "Heck yeah let's go."

Younghoon and Yujin glanced at her weirdly.

" O-oh I meant, oh really? Oh, nice to meet you by the way, Yujin."

"Same goes for me. But who's taking care of the Blue house?"

"My Uncle! He came to visit and he's taking over the president position until my father is found. He also came with his son." She lowered her head. "Well if my father is found."

Younghoon glanced at the rear-view mirror while driving. "We'll find him, I promise. Besides, doesn't the vice-president take over?"

"Well Mrs. Bang got super sick recently. I don't know why but she wasn't able to take up all of the work."

Yujin glanced at Younghoon. "I see. Well, as long as your Uncle does a good job, we'll be fine."

Yuna nodded before staring out the window.

"This Uncle of hers," Younghoon whispered under his breath to Yujin. "I don't trust him."

Yujin glanced at the girl who was now looking gaping at the pretty birds flying in the air and staring at the scenery outside. "Me either."


Jiwon and Hyunjae knocked on the large, oak doors of Mr. Lee's office. Jiwon was nervous, not because of how large and prestigous everything was, but about how much power the man behind this door had.

"Who is it?" A deep voice called out from the inside, scaring Jiwon back into her senses.

"Jaehyun. And an acquaintance of mine." Hyunjae called out.

"Ah, so you don't go by Hyunjae?" Jiwon whispered, causing him to softly chuckle.

"Come on in, son."

The doors automatically opened, making Jiwon jump back in surprise.

"Ah, aren't you Yuna's guard?" Mr. Lee pointed his intimidating hand at Jiwon.

She nodded, still slightly scared, causing Hyunjae to nudge her in assurance. "Hey, we don't kill people, we just do illegal stuff."

She nodded, gulping. "We came to have a talk with you." She stared him in the eyes. "At the station."

He glanced at Hyunjae, confusion. "You a police now?" Slight worry flashed in his eyes before disappearing.

"I mean, something like that." Hyunjae shrugged before nodding at Jiwon to go over to him.

She reluctantly went over to the man, who was noticeably older, and helped him up from his comfy chair. "My knees are a bit rickety, but I can manage."

Hyunjae smiled at his father. "Tell them everything and save yourself from a life sentence for treason." His father looked at him in shock.

"Y-you told them?" Anger blazed across his face before he calmed himself down.

"The client is dangerous." He said, still walking with Jiwon and Hyunjae out of the office.

"I won't be able to say a word without dying too." Worry was clearly written in his eyes.

"And let me tell you, Jaehyun just isn't ready to take over Meringue." He chuckled.

"But I'll help. And besides, it was about time. I would get caught." He looked at Hyunjae before glancing at Jiwon.

"Promise me that you can keep Jaehyun safe." He was worried for his son, and Hyunjae even started tearing up. He turned around, staring at the ceiling to prevent his tears from spilling.

"I forced him a lot and I was definitely strict on him. Now it's time for him to live his life."

Jiwon nodded, grabbing Hyunjae and putting her arm around him. "This dude isn't going to die unless I say so." They all chuckled at her.

"But let me tell you something. The culprit is closer than you think." He lowered his voice.

Jiwon nodded. "Let's head back to the station so that we can talk more in detail." She whispered back, before starting to walk a bit quicker.

Nowhere was safe, not even his own company.

"H-hey, can you walk a bit slower? My knees are killing me, girl."

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