The dorm situation

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Your POV

"You may all now go to the second part of your first lesson," said the headmaster. Everyone started leaving until "can we have someone show us to our dorms since we don't know where they are, please?" Asked White Diamond "Of course, I almost forgot, can (y/n) please come up here everyone else can leave now," the headmaster said louder than perhaps needed.

My friends gave me an empathetic glance as I walked past them towards the stage. I slowly climbed the stairs at the centre of the front of the stage as I didn't want to trip and make a fool of myself. "(y/n) the Diamonds will be staying in your corridor of four dorms in the three empty dorms, could you please show them the way there." "Of course, Sir, if you could follow me my Diamonds that would be lovely," I said turning toward the ladies the were around a foot and a half taller than me.

White's POV

While giving my part of the speech I saw a girl at the back of one of the tables staring at me. She had (h/c) hair and (e/c) eyes, she actually looked very pretty. Once I had finished, I gave her a smile and she blushed, as I had now learned what blushing was, she looked even cuter like that. What am I thinking? She's a human, and it's not like you're going to be able to see that much even if makes onto the Homeworld trip. I was mentally yelling at myself.

I hadn't even noticed that Blue and Yellow had finished their speeches until everyone started leaving. Then I heard the headmaster, strange word of you asks me, ask for someone named (y/n). I wonder who that is, I then see the same girl walk up to the stage avoiding my eyes and instead focusing on the man Infront of us. So, her name is (y/n) then. It's always fascinated me how humans have such different names even though they're the same species.

Did he just say corridor of four, that means that we are going to be the only ones there? I might get to see her more often than I thought, I don't know if that's good or bad though. She turned to us, asking of we could follow her, I was quite happy to oblige and so were Blue and Yellow.

Your POV

It was quiet as we walked and for someone who prefers quiet, I found it uncomfortable so I gathered my courage and started a conversation with the three aliens. "What are your opinions on earth so far?" I asked them trying to be nonchalant. "It is a quite interesting planet, with many strange but wonderful and sometimes beautiful things living on it," White answered surprising the other two.

"What about you?" I asked tilting my head toward Blue Diamond. "I agree with White; it is a very, very strange planet but it has surprised me with how beautiful some creatures can be," Blue said cheerfully.

"We wouldn't mind you calling us by our colours since you're going to be our guide, asking as you don't mind us calling you (y/n)," White said after Blue had finished talking. Did she notice me not knowing what to call Blue? "I wouldn't mind at all White if you call me by my first name."

Yellow and Blue just stared at White as she blushed at little at being called her name by a human especially one, she just met. "Yellow, what's your opinion on Earth then?" I asked trying to divert her attention away from White before she got more embarrassed. "Well like Blue and White said, it's strange but it has some very smart and strong creatures and interesting nature," Yellow replied finally looking away from White.

"Do you have any more questions for me on scheduling, classes or any other part of what your stay here is going to be like?" I asked the Diamonds.

"What will our dorms be like?" Blue asked after thinking. "The dorms you will stay in are single dorms meant for one person they are also the best quality of almost everything, and are exactly like mine. "I said to Blue knowing this question would be asked.

After two more minutes we were finally there. All the doors had gold plates with our names on, which is strange considering they weren't like that this morning. They must have put them up during assembly. It was a small corridor with a window at the end with a sofa under it, and four doors lining the walls. My dorm was next to the window, White's was across from me, Blue's was next to her and Yellow's was next to mine.

Outside each door was a set of keys. "Just put the key in the hole on the gold bit of the door and twist, when you here a click pushes down on the handle and push forward at the same time. Once the door is open take the key out. I've got to go to English now, Bye" As soon as I said that the bell rang. 

White Diamonds Human Girlfriend (white diamond X human! Female! Reader) Where stories live. Discover now