7. Not Being Himself

Start from the beginning

What he really wanted to know was why. He never questioned Mingi's intentions, which was why he was doing it right now; before he let himself be fooled. He tried to tell himself that he shouldn't trust everyone who was nice to him, but his heart wouldn't buy it.

Perhaps it was the alcohol getting to him, or maybe it was simply his emotions numbing his reasoning. Either way, he gave up and decided to be content with this new addition into his life: a person he liked, who might like him back too.

A thunderous crash pulled Yunho out of his thoughts. He twisted his upper body in his chair towards the commotion, where he saw a chaotic scene unfold in front of his eyes.

The noise had come from shattered plates and cups, which were laying on the floor in a million tiny pieces. No one bent down to clean up. Instead, the nearby customers were muttering in hushed voices that seemed to grow more anxious by the second.

They were all pointing subtle fingers towards something, and when Yunho found the source he widened his eyes and immediately stood up, nerves buzzing in alarm.

Mingi was there, standing at the mouth of the hallway leading to the washroom. And he was staring down at a cowering waiter with a furious look on his face.

"Are you blind? Watch where you are going!" Mingi stepped forward, looming threateningly over the shorter man, who shrunk back with a mixture of shock and terror on his face.

Yunho flinched at Mingi's shouts, taking a moment to compose himself before rushing over to stand between Mingi and the waiter. He only slowed down to navigate across the battlefield of shattered glass.

"I'm sorry, he's a bit drunk," he said, bowing his head apologetically at the shaken waiters and the annoyed customers.

He turned his attention to Mingi before he could meet any of the customers' judgemental gazes or hear any of their complaints. "You have to calm down. Let me bring you-"

"Shut up!" Mingi swung his arm, nearly striking Yunho in the process. "I'm not drunk!"

Yunho tried to keep calm, but he could no longer ignore his pounding heart and sweating palms. Exasperated, he huffed, "Mingi, stop! Why did you even drink if you can't hold your alcohol?!"

Mingi didn't listen. He snorted and started to turn away, body swaying unsteadily.

Desperate times called for desperate actions, so Yunho reached out his hands to hold Mingi in case he lost his footing, and in an attempt to prevent him from hurting other people.

The moment Yunho touched Mingi, though, Mingi shrugged his shoulder harshly, causing Yunho to stumble back.

"Don't touch me! I told you I'm not drunk! Go mind your own business!" Mingi yelled, eyes wide and flashing with fury.

Yunho stood still, getting more and more frustrated by the person in front of him. He could see the red cheeks and slightly glazed eyes, but how could Mingi talk to him as if he was a stranger? And treat him like trash?

"What's wrong with you?" Instead of sounding angry, Yunho's question came out weak and shaky, revealing the resentment in his voice.

After staring at Yunho with a mixture of confusion and irritation, Mingi turned away again with a sort of nonchalance that infuriated Yunho.

Humiliated, Yunho began to feel the weight of the customer's stares on him and the pressure was squeezing tears out of him, so he tried to grab Mingi again, planning to bring this conversation outside.

He stepped forward and wrapped a hand around Mingi's arm, squeezing tight to get a firm grip.

As if burned, Mingi flung his arm away and spun around. Yunho didn't even have time to react before Mingi grabbed a handful of Yunho's blue sweater.

By the time Yunho saw the fist raised above Mingi's head, it was too late.

"I said stop touching me!" Mingi roared, his fist flying straight at Yunho's face.

Yunho squeezed his eyes shut right before the fist landed. He tensed, waiting for the impact. But it never came.

When he felt himself being released he opened his eyes and stepped back. The first thing he saw was Jongho. The second thing he saw was Jongho's hand, which was wrapped firmly around Mingi's wrist.

"What the f**k?!" Mingi shook his arm vigorously, but Jongho only tightened his grip.

The customers gasped. Some stood up, some covered their mouths with their hands.

Yunho just stood there, frozen with fear and bewilderment. He had no idea why Jongho was here, his heart was pounding, and he didn't know what to do.

"Who the hell are you? Let me go!"

Jongho ignored Mingi's vociferous cries and twisted his arm, eliciting a groan from the taller man.

"Yunho. Yunho, let's go."

After calling his name several times, Jongho finally broke Yunho out of his trance.

"He'll calm down eventually after we leave," said Jongho, putting a hand on Yunho's shoulder and guiding him to the exit.

Yunho gave one longing glance at Mingi before he stepped out of the restaurant. His blue hair was slightly frazzled, his cheeks and neck were tinted the same color as the stained glass windows, and he was rubbing his wrist while muttering indignantly.

Other than that, he looked no different than the person Yunho sat down and ate dinner with.

Once outside, Jongho dragged Yunho down the street and far away from the restaurant before he let go of Yunho's hand. They ended up in a small resting area.

Then he scoffed, dragged a hand roughly across his hair, and looked sideways out into the busy roads. "What the f**k was that?! He-he tried to hit you. I thought he was your friend! What's-"

Yunho touched Jongho's arm lightly. "Calm down. You're worked up. He's just drunk. Accidents happen. What are you doing here anyway?"

"Drunk?" Jongho turned back, looking incredulous. "Did you see how he moved around just now? He can't be that drunk!"

Yunho frowned. "What are you trying to say?"

They met eyes for a moment before Jongho wiped a hand across his face and averted his gaze towards the ground. "I'm sorry, I lost my temper. But...I don't know! He tried to hit you. That's messed up."

Letting out a frustrated sigh, Yunho said, "I told you he's drunk."

"I know...but he knows you! How could he-"

"Stop," Yunho interrupted. Something about what Jongho said stung, and he didn't want to listen anymore.

"Wait, just listen-"

"You don't know him." Yunho held Jongho's gaze intensely, surprising himself with his own stern tone. "He was trying to help me. He's generous. So he wasn't being himself. Alcohol does that to people."

Jongho opened his mouth but closed it again when nothing came out.

"You're right." He blinked as if confused about the whole situation. "I'm glad I passed by and saw you. Your face would've been ruined."

Yunho smiled without saying anything. He looked up at the starless nightsky, suddenly wishing for the night to be over and for a new day to begin.


Finally got some action going on 👀 Sorry it took so long...but get ready to go on an emotional rollercoaster from now on ;)

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