after ukai had stopped laughing and got himself seated on a chair next to takeda he started.
"so what happened? all this time i've known ya you seemed to be the person who just doesn't cry." takeda started chuckling. "yeah that's were you got it wrong." ukai gave takeda a somber glare.
takeda took a deep breath and decided to come out with it.

"i saw my mother last night. i haven't spoken to her in a few years after an...incident. i tried to keep my distance from her but she continued to push me and bug me until i broke..i started getting mad for no apparent reason.." he started to trail off.

"i'm not trying to push ya..but what happens that made you that mad?" ukai spoke quietly.
in a more somber and kind tone. takeda once again took a deep breath and started to talk again.

"i came out to her. she said a whole bunch of things. i promised myself that i wouldn't get involved with family stuff after that day. but she told me my dad is dying..i ignored it cause he's just as a horrible person as the rest of family. but she got mad and said some..." takeda felt tears starting to build up in eyes.
quickly ukai pulled the tinier man into his embrace.
hugging him tightly and humming in response.

"i'm sorry." takeda spoke slowly in between sobs.
"for what? you've done nothing wrong." ukai spoke accordingly. "just for..for everything i guess. for bugging yo i about the team. for being annoying. for..just for everything." ukai quickly pulled away.
"you have nothing to be sorry for. you and those boys have changed my life. in the best way possible."
ukai put his hand under takeda's chin.
"okay?" takeda nodded.
sighing ukai pulled him into another hug.
(ha ha bitches you better not have thought i was gonna have them kiss just yet..just wait)

the rest of the night went pretty smoothly.
they talked about pretty simple things trying to steer away from any heavy subjects. but ukais mind started to wonder to other places than their conversations. 'what did he mean by he came he gay?!' ukai cleared his throat before turning to takeda once again. takeda was wrapped up in a large blue blanket and holding a pillow close to his chest.
he look innocent.

"what do you mean by you came out?"
takedas face flushed a bright red shade. "i'm gay." 'oh my fucking god.'
he was lost for words.
he has a chance.
he's gay he has a chance correct?!
"wait real-" takeda quickly cut him off.
"i totally understand if your uncomfortable with me. the seasons almost down anyways so we don't have to worry ab-" ukai couldn't handle this.

"no i'd never be uncomfortable with that. thanks for telling me." takeda turned a bright shade of red and hung his head low. "if it counts i'm pretty sure most people on the team are gay so we don't really have to worry." ukai snickered after he finished speaking.
"true." before the two could say anything else to each other ukai got closer to takeda. he tilted his head up towards his own. he placed on simple kiss on the smaller mans forehead and continued on with his night.

the sadness turned into happiness.
the tears turned into laughter.
everything was perfect.
hahahahaha y'all might have thought they were gonna kiss.
nope i'm not going down that easily
this was pretty short but i'm kinda feeling shitty so ima rant for a second or two.
so i got my hair cut this week and holy fucking god i got so pissed.
i've gone to the same person for like 2 years and she knows i don't like my hair to short nor to long but i almost lost my cool this time.
she cut it way to fucking short so now i look like an off-brand lord farquad...
also today's aizawa from bnhas birthday so here's a little chick for that-🐥
my week actually was pretty good expect for needed to deal with my shit family.
i saw my sister yesterday so i was veryyy stressed on top of needing to deal with my family about biden winning.
i don't have the same political views as my family so that's pretty hard especially when they think you shouldn't have rights🤠✌️
but something good did happen this week.
i got to go skating for the first time in like 2 years.
i used to be a figure skater but quit for some reason but as i've said a million times thank god for muscle memory.
also big fuck you to period pains.
okay ima go back to sleep now.
peace ✌️
so here's some memes that i've found over the past weekish

peace ✌️ so here's some memes that i've found over the past weekish

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okay ima go suffer now

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