Chapter Forty/// The Date

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Dylan's Perspective

I really don't know what to think about this so-called Dumbledore's army. I am glad Harry is taking a leadership role. And that he was enjoying something at school other then Quidditch, same with Fred and George. It was nice to see their smiles.

Mundungus was in the pub during the meeting and rated me out for being there to the Order. I am now going to all the gatherings to keep an eye on Harry. I feel bad about being so double sided in so many ways. So Dumbledore does know all about the DA and well he thought the idea was quite charming that the student have his back like he always had theirs.

We had our first DA meeting last night and it was pretty simple. We were learning Expelliarmus. I learned this spell in my second year but it was pretty fun watching Lee's wand fly out of his hand everytime I sent the spell. He wasn't very happy with me at the end of the night, ether was Harry when I stole his wand without him looking.

Fred has become very protective lately. He seems to think I can't do stuff for myself. The other day he wouldn't even let me walk to the bathroom by myself. I know Voldemort is regaining strength, I see him every other week. His gross bald face every other week, sometimes if I look at him long enough he looks like an egg.

But Fred still doesn't know about the whole double agent thing. I always make sure my dark mark is covered by my robe and a jumper. There have been a couple of incidents when Fred grabs my arm making it burn, making me pull away, which doesn't always make Fred happy.

I got a note during charms class from Fred the other day.

Date Night Friday Meet me in the common room at nine. You have no choice but to go on a date with me :) Love,

I am really excited to have Fred all to myself Friday night. I feel like we are always with our friends, or I have quidditch then studying. But some time alone will be nice.

Third Person

Dylan was getting ready for her date she and Fred have hung out so many times but never really have gone out on a date before. Dylan was very excited to be with Fred; she only wondered what they were going to do. In a school with hundreds of other kids and a curfew it would be hard to sneak around the castle. It's not like you can go to Hogsmeade on a Friday night plus they weren't supposed to be out past nine.

She decided to wear a red sweater and black pants. They were more dressy then what she normally wear but still very comfortable. When she was ready she went down to the common room at nine to see Fred on the couch waiting for her, along with several other students with the noses in books.

"Ready Chief?" Fred said, holding out his hand.

"Yes, but where exactly are we going" she asked

"Well that is a surprise" he said with a wide smile on his face. "But remember when I say hide do so, we don't want to get caught"

Dylan took his hand and followed him out of the portrait hole. Fred seemed very excited, so excited that he could skip through the corridors. Which he almost did.

Finally they reached the seventh floor corridor at the room of requirements. Fred was pacing back and forth with that a door appeared. This is the same way they use the room for DA lessons. Fred opened the door and Dylan followed.

The room had a grand fireplace and a big squishy couch in the front of the room in the back of the room was a candlelit dinner. Dylan turned to Fred and kissed him. They both walked over to the table. Fred apparently already prepared Dylan's favorite soup. (French Onion) They talked and laughed, they both made it over to the couch and they were having some tea. It was a perfect date.

"Freddie this is amazing" she said in awe taking in the glory of the room.

"I know I am a pretty great boyfriend right?" Fred said sarcastically

"Yes you are" she leaned in and kissed him. "I love you"

"I love you too" he said returning her kiss. Both of them could feel each others smiles, and their hearts racing.

His kiss slowly became more. He couldn't get enough of her, he wanted all of her. Fred slowly pushed Dylan back on the couch so he was now on top of her. They were so close they could feel each other's heartbeats. Their noses were brushing against each other. Fred's kisses traveled down her neck well her hand traveled to his hair.

They were glued to one another. Her fingers slipped under his shirt. She could feel the heat radiating off his skin. She pulled his shirt over his head and saw all of his freckles scattered all over his body. His slow soft kisses, soft touches made Dylan get butterflies in her stomach. Dylan was messing with his belt telling him she wanted it off. He did so now in his underwear and started to undress Dylan as well.

With his hands slowly grasping the bottom of her shirt, and lifted it over her head. He slowly pulled down her pants and saw Dylan for what she really was. Then he saw it... the dark mark and he broke away from the kiss.

"What is that" he said pointing to the dark mark on Dylan's arm, then he got up from the couch. He was angry

"Fred it's not what it looks like!" Dylan pleaded, she put her shirt back on.

"Really because it looks like you're working for the person that wants to kill you!" Fred yelled aggressively. Tugging on his pants.

"No, the Order has me working as a spy for them! I have to be a death eater to get information!" she was hurt by the way Fred was talking to her.

"Dylan why would you keep this from me! You could die! He wants you dead! God you can be so stupid sometimes! Just because you have more magic than others doesn't mean you can risk your life!" His face turning as red as his hair

"Fred I'm doing it for the Order I am safe, Dumbledore has my back. Sirius wouldn't let anything bad happen either" she said trying to calm him down.

"Your family name isn't enough to protect you! Stop thinking you are better because you have different powers, maybe people are right you are a freak, a nerd, a loner!" he yelled, Dylan was now fully dressed and running out of the room crying. "Dylan wait! I didn't mean it! Come back please" the last couple words came out as a whisper, he lost her.

Dylan didn't go back to the common room she kept running all the way to the forbidden forest. She found a clearing and layed down on the ground and cried. She was cold sad and just wanted to go home, not Number Twelve Grimmwald place, her muggle home in London. Where her mom would wrap her in a blanket with a nice warm cup of tea.

Soon she heard twigs snapping and leaves crunching. Dylan looked around worried then she saw him; Milo. Couldn't mistake his bright eyes and fur that looks so soft it's shiny.

Milo was the wolf from last year when she had lessons with Professor McGonagall. He was scared a sad but Dylan talked to him, telling him he wasn't alone.

"Dylan why are you upset?" he said

"Boys, I make them my world and then they tear it apart" she choked out.

Milo came and curled up next to her and she laid her head on him like a pillow. His soft fur and steady heart was enough to make her relax. Dylan spent the night in the forest. She didn't care how long she was there, all that mattered was that she and Milo got a good night sleep.

Harry was at Hagrids house that night and followed Dylan in the forest and he watched over her that night. Hagrid saw the blond girl running a alerted Harry. He came by Dylan and Milo and laid his invisibility cloak over Dylan. He wanted to know why she was so upset and why she would come to the woods. He sat on a log nearby and made sure nothing harmed her, he needed her.

All For Love--Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now