Chapter Eighteen///Snowball Fight

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The snow was still falling at Hogwarts. Christmas decorations are going up all around the castle. It seems the Professors wanted to impress the other schools with decking out the castle. Huge trees made there way in from outside into the hallways of the castle. Joy of the upcoming ball filling the air of gossip. Everytime someone passed a suit of armor they would sing carols. 

Dylan finally started talking to the twins again. They have been pulling even more pranks now that Christmas around the corner. They say jokes add to the Christmas cheer. Dylan often found herself up late in the library doing her homework and studying for the end of the year O.W.Ls. The workload with sixth year was simple but time consuming, plus the review for what she needs for her O.W.L.S. So talking to the twins wasn't that common lately for Dylan. 

She has found a spot in the Library concealed by bookshelves and it was difficult for other people to find. This spot had a small table lamp and table big enough to spread her books out, and a comfy chair that makes studying all the more better for her. One day Dylan went to her secret spot, books tucked under her arm. When she reached the spot the twins Harry, Hermione, Ron, and Angelina were all there waiting for her. It was a small spot so they were all crammed between the bookshelves, and Dylan couldn't help but laugh.

"Dylan we are here to come and take you to have fun" said George

"Yeah no more studying" Ron said chiming in. 

"C'mon Chief let's go play in the snow" Fred said

"You really have no choice" said Harry grabbing Dylan's hand and dragging her outside, well Angelina handed her warmer clothes.

"Guys I have homework to do!" yelled Dylan "Please I would really like to get some work done" 

"Dylan even I don't have homework" whispered Hermione, well walking into the fresh winter air. Dylan put on the warming cloak as her normal clothes were not going to cut it. "Fred made us all wake up early to catch you in the library, and I lead them to your secret spot" Hermione continued with a wink. 

"OW" a huge snowball hit Dylan in the back, she turned around to see Fred and George doubled over laughing "Oh it on you two" she balled up as much snow as she could and threw it at Fred and George. Dylan's snowball hit Fred square in the chest and he made a really dramatic death scene and fell into a nearby snow bank. 

Once Dylan struck, Harry joined in and hit Ron right in the nose, he made pursuit on Hermione. The next hour consisted of pelting eachother with snow, it provided a nice distraction from the ball, from the TriWizard tournament. Over time sense the first snowball was thrown teams have taken place, it was Harry, Hermione, and Ron who joined the game late, and then Fred and George, and lastly was Dylan and Angelina. 

Harry, Hermione and Ron seemed to be coming to an end, it was starting to get cold with the wet snow soaking into their cloaks. Dylan was starting to freeze along with them, but Fred and George didn't seem to be stopping. 

Fred was running off to the castle and Dylan went after him with a snowball in hand. This fight needed to end and the only way to stop it is to take down the instigator. But what Dylan didn't know Fred had a snowball too. Dylan was chasing Fred when he just stopped in his tracks and Dylan ran straight into him knocking both of them over. They were face to face laying in the snow they were breathless, and laughing from the fall. 

Both laid there for a moment. Fred was lost in Dylan's bright blue eyes that he swear almost twinkle. Where Dylan took notice to his red hair and how each of his freckles were different from the other. 

"Well this is awkward" Dylan said trying to break the silence. 

"Yup" and Fred threw her off him into a big pile of snow, and kept throwing snowballs at her.

 "Stop! Fred stop! I am freezing stop!"

"Fine Chief, but I think I win" he said well helping Dylan up "Let's go get some hot chocolate"

George witnessed the whole thing as he was also planning on getting Dylan, he saw how they looked at eachother. It made him happy to know they were happy, he just hoped this wouldn't go south. 

"Hey! You two I will race you to the Great Hall for hot chocolate" yelled George

All three of them were sprinting up to the entrance hall. Fred slipped before making it into the hall. Both were neck and neck and then Dylan got ahead until George grabbed the neck of Dylan robes pulling her back and he won.

"That's not fair you cheated" said Dylan

"Well... I still made it here first" George said as Fred reached the table

"Man that fall hurt" he says

"Well I am going to go-"

"To the library" they said together

"I just wasted time, instead of studying"

"Hey! Wasted Time!" yells Fred

"You just spent two hours having the time of your life" said George

"Now you are going to spend the rest of the day and have fun with us" demanded Fred

"Fine" mumbled Dylan thinking of her books, and parchment that needed to be scribbled on with notes and memorization. 

So the rest of the day Fred, George, and Dylan spent the day all over the castle. Fred and George continued spreading their "holiday cheer" around the castle and Dylan tried getting away from them. Around midnight they went up to the Astronomy tower to look at the stars and light fireworks. 

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