>Part 2<

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(No One's POV)

"He's awake"
All heads turn towards Chuuya who's now glaring at them.
"You can stop your ability now"
Mori tells the man restraining Chuuya (I can't remember his name) The man speaks up
"Sir are you sure? He has a very powerful ability"
"Oh it's fine, Dazai would you?"
Dazai walks up to Chuuya and places his hand on his shoulder activating his ability. The man stops using his ability and walks back. Chuuya tries to get Dazai's arm off his shoulder but Byakko stands in front of him and growls.
"Now let's get to the point"
Mori says
"I would like you to work with Dazai and Atsushi on the former boss case"
Dazai and Chuuya yell
"Now I know you do t like it but we have something that might change your mind"
"And what's that?"
Chuuya asks
"Your comrades"
Dazai feels Chuuya tense up
"So if I work with you you'll let them go?"
"...*sigh* fine"
Atsushi calls Byakko over and hops on his back
"Well me and Byakko are going to train. We'll figure out a plan as well and tell you two in the morning"
They race out the door leaving Mori, Dazai and Chuuya alone.
"You two go get some sleep and you'll start in the morning"
Mori says going back to looking for dresses.

-Time Skip-

The next morning Atsushi, Dazai and Chuuya are walking to this house to find information.
"So why are we going here"
Chuuya asks
"Can you shut up, I'm trying to breathe here"
Dazai says
"*sigh* We're going to find information about the former boss which will lead us to another person who's seen him"
Atsushi answers
Chuuya says while glaring at Dazai.
"Oh and where's the tiger from before?"
"Oh Byakko? He's back in my body"
"Byakko is my ability 'Beast Beneath The Moonlight' he's able to leave my body when I allow him to. Which is often"
"Yea but the cat doesn't like anyone but you"
Atsushi's eyes change and he turns to Dazai and growls, surprising Chuuya who backs up a bit. Atsushi's face goes back to normal.
"I've told you to stop calling him that he doesn't like it, and besides Byakko likes Mori and Eliliesse"
"Well why doesn't he like me?! I've known you longer!"
"Probably because your an annoying suicidal maniac"
Chuuya speaks up
"...You two are weird"
Atsushi's turns around and smiles at him making Chuuya blush. Dazai hops down from the wall he's been walking on and wraps his arm around Atsushi's waist while poking his tounge out at Chuuya. That action results in him getting elbowed in the gut by Atsushi. Chuuya runs ahead and walks beside Atsushi smirking at Dazai.

-Time Skip to when they defeated what's his name cause I'm lazy-

Chuuya and Dazai glare at each other but still smile. Little did they know Atsushi had been hit by a rock causing him to break a rib and injure his head badly
"Hey Atsushi? You okay?"
Chuuya asks, Over the mission Chuuya lost his feelings for Atsushi and they became friends instead. Atsushi begins to answers but collapses to his knees hugging his chest. Dazai runs over and picks him up bridal style.
"He's got a Broken rib and injured head. We'll take him back to the base and heal him though he wound be waking up soon."
Chuuya nods and they start going back to the base.

(Atsushi POV)

I open my eyes and groan at the brightness of the room.
"Oh your awake!"
I look over to the sound of the voice and find Chuuya sitting on a stool next to my bed.
"Nice new look"
He looks at his outfit
"What happened?"
"During the battle you were hit by a Boulder and injured in a few places"
I sit up and immediately grab my chest.
"Oh yeah, a broken rib was one of them"
"Ugh...thanks for the warning"
I was about to ask where Dazai was when he walked through the door.
"Hey Chuuya is he awake?"
"Yes I am"
Dazai looks at me surprised
"Jees about time, you've been asleep for 2 weeks"
"Aw were you worried~"
"Pfft as if"
Chuuya buts in
"Actually he'd come in every day checking on you"
"Wha- I- No!"
"W-wait you actually were w-worried?!"
I ask blushing a bit
"Maybe...anyway Chuuya can I speak to Atsushi alone?"
Chuuya gets up and leaves shutting the door behind him
"So what's up?"
"Oda died"
"Yes Atsushi h-he's dead"
I cover my mouth and tears start to trail down my cheeks. I feel Dazai hug me and I lean into his embrace sobbing.
After that Dazai leaves and I get changed then go to Mori's office. I walk in to find Chuuya and Dazai arguing over something
"You can't leave!"
"I'll do what I want!"
"What about Atsushi?! What will he do?!"
"Atsushi can live without me!"
I decided to cut in
"What are you talking about?"
They stop and look over at me
"Well Dazai says he's leaving the port mafia"
Mori explains
Dazai looks away
"Your y-your joking"
He doesn't answer
"Dazai your not actually leaving right?"
He still doesn't look at me
He finally turns around but is looking at the floor
My voice begins to crack and Dazai comes up to me
"I'm sorry Atsushi but it's what Oda wanted"
I stare at the ground
"Fine. Leave"
"Atsushi I-"
He flinches then takes off his coat and places it in my hands.
"I'm sorry Atsushi"
He says as he walks out
"Atsushi are you okay?"
Chuuya asks
"I need a drink"
I walk over to the bar in the office and grab a glass. I begin to lift it up when I drop it and it shatters on the ground. I kneel down and pick up the pieces of glass but suddenly I start breaking down. Mori and Chuuya run over and embrace me. I hug Dazai's cloak and sob.

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