Chapter 12

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Emily's POV




  "Call an ambulance!" Frank shouted from upstairs. I dashed upstairs, phone in hand "Emily, quick! It's Gee!" I pushed open the door, and saw Gerard.

On the floor. His wrists were split. He looked dead. I called 911, and gave the details to the operator. They arrived minutes later, and took him away in the ambulance. Frank got to go with him.
Time lapse two hours
" Gerard Way?" a doctor asked. I raised my hand, "Can we go see him?"

"Yes, room 666"

The Devil's Room.

A/N yh don't ask, I just felt like being suspicious & shit buhbye

Yh I'm gonna do a horrible thing, but I love votes and that shit, so imma say that if you guys want an update, I have to get... hmm... 3 votes, and 2 comments (the comments have to be from separate people btw)

Also I'm ill as fuck so I might be able to do some more updating soon

Lyl Midnight

Btw doesn't Midnight Anarchy actually seem like an awesome band name

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