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Hi everyone!!! I've been obsessed with this storyline for a while now and although I'm not a very naturally talented writer, I'm going to really try to make this story good. I have the whole story planned in my head, I just hope I can write it well. Please feel free to give constructive criticism, I'm not a very good writer so it'd help a lot!!!

The world was out to get her. That was one thing Cassiopeia Black knew for a fact. She wasn't destined for a "happily ever after" and she had come to terms with that.

Maybe things would have been different if she had different parents or was sorted into a different Hogwarts house, but for now, she was fine with her shit life.

So, here she was, dangling her feet off the window of Grimmauld Place with a cigarette in between her lips, thinking of the times when it all went to shit.


"Hey Cassie, um, can I talk to you real quick?"

Cassie turned around to see the famous Harry Potter. She was in her 5th year at Hogwarts while he was only in his 3rd, so they naturally hadn't ever really talked before now.

"Uh.. yeah sure okay, what's up?" she said following him down the hall, her words laced with confusion.

They stopped in a corridor with no one in sight as he starts to tell her everything about his year. From the secret gifts to the night in the Shrieking Shack, everything was told.

"I know Sirius is your Dad which is why I'm telling you this. He explained all of what I told you in the Shrieking Shack and we even saw Pettigrew so believe me when I tell you he's innocent."

At this point Cassie's face paled and was staring at Harry as millions of thoughts ran through her head. Why did her Dad go to Harry and not her? Why didn't he come see her before leaving? Why did he never even TRY to contact his own daughter?

What's so special about the fucking chosen one that he couldn't see his own daughter for 5 minutes.

She had been yearning to have a father figure in her life, but at this moment for a split second, she wondered if he was worth having.

Choking back a sob, Cassie quickly turns to leave muttering a quick "Thanks for telling me".

Once out of sight from Harry, Cassie's seemingly perfect facade crumbles as she falls to the floor. She cried and cried wondering why she wasn't good enough for her own father to see his god-son rather than his daughter.

She didn't know it then, but those tears shed over Sirius were, unfortunately, the first of many to come.


By this point silent, warm tears are uncontrollably streaming down Cassie's face as she reminisces on the past year.


It was mid November when Cassie sat wide awake in the Gryffindor common room under a concealment charm re-reading for the hundredth time the one and only letter she has received from her father since she found out about his innocence.

Dear Cassiopeia,

I'm sorry I couldn't write you sooner, my daughter. As you could imagine it's hard to get down time with being on the run, but I've luckily found a place to stay low.

I'm sure by now Harry has explained everything to you and although I'm regretful for the way things turned out, I'm glad I can be with Harry and you once again.

Please keep an eye on Harry for me, I'm worried about him.

Until we meet again,

She sat in one of the arm chairs with her knees hugged to her chest wondering when or if Cassie would ever see her Dad again. He's still merely a stranger in her mind not having seen him since she was an infant and it doesn't help that he hasn't even responded to her letter back in September yet.

Cassie is broken out of her deep thoughts when she sees the one and only Harry Potter walk down the stairs towards the fireplace.

She was about to lift the concealment charm to say something until she heard the fireplace start to crackle.

Harry crouches down by the fire, and said, "Sirius — how're you doing?"

"Never mind me, how are you?" said Sirius seriously.

Cassie couldn't believe her eyes and ears. She zoned out the rest of their conversation too bothered to hear the rest. It took all of her to not break down in tears right then and there.

Here she was worried about her Dad figuring he was in trouble to not hear a response from him since September, but here he was talking up a storm with Harry fucking Potter not even bothered to ask about his own daughter.

As much as it continues to hurt, it was just the beginning of her disappointment in Sirius.


Somehow Cassie still remains on the ledge crying silently as she continues to reminisce and smoke her cigarette.


"Hey Cassie, um, can I talk to you real quick?"

With a roll of her eyes, Cassie turns around to see the one and only Harry Potter.

"Well, well, well, isn't this just deja fucking vú", she remarks sarcastically.

"Come to deliver more news about MY father Potter?" She says putting emphasis on 'my'.

Harry grows slightly pink in the face while scratching the back of his neck.

"Um... Y-Yeah actually it is about him..."

Not expecting Harry to talk about her father to her again, this makes her smug smirk fall off of her lips.

"Right. Okay, well let's go talk." Cassie says leading him to an empty corridor.

Once standing face to face, Harry starts to explain how Hermione, Ron, and him met Sirius in a cave at Hogsmeade.

"..That's about it. He did tell me to tell you he said hi and that he misses you though." Harry finishes.

By now Cassie is fuming. She doesn't have an ounce of sadness in her right now all she can feel is deep hatred for the boy standing in front of her and extreme dislike for the man that's barely a father to her.

Cassie starts on a rant with anger laced in every word, "Are you fucking kidding me right now Potter? My own father asks to meet with you and you don't have the decency to bring along his own daughter? I haven't seen the man since I was TWO yet you and your stupid fucking group have seen him more than I have in the past decade. Don't talk to me, don't look at me, don't even think about me. I get you don't have parents, but it doesn't mean you get to take away the only fucking family I have."

With that Cassie storms away leaving a stunned Harry.


Cassie goes to inhale another puff of smoke when she realizes she finished her cigarette.

'Alright, no more stalling, no turning back' she thinks to herself.

She gathers her trunk and places her cigarette pack in her pocket, ready to do what could either be the best or worst decision of her life.

Cassie opens her door to walk downstairs thinking to herself, 'I'm ready to do what I should have done months ago.'

There ya go guys! First chapter! Well, technically prologue, but whatever. I hope this turned out good, I tried so hard! The first chapter will start towards the end of goblet of fire.

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