

Please stop. No. It hurts.

Please. Bane, please. I won't try again, i promise. Please stop him. Please.

No No No-"

"Nooo!" No. Please. why.

Stop it,Bane. Please. I screamed and trembled terribly on my bed.

I couldn't even make out damien opening the door and coming by my side. He quietly tapped the tip of his finger to my forehead, our sign to let me know its him. As soon as i felt the touch, i wrapped my arms around him. He didn't even care that i was covered in sweat from head to toe, he just held me in his arms and rubbed his hand on my back.

I sobbed trembling terribly in his hold and he just held me and tucked my head under his chin running his fingers through my wet hair. I felt someone kiss my forehead. I opened my eyes to see a blurly black head which i immediately recognized as Raven. He sat beside me on bed with a small sad smile on his face and held my hand.

"I'm sorr-"

"Don't you dare finish that sentence Jacob. How many times do we have to tell you, we don't care. Whether you like it or not, we are gonna keep coming here. And don't you dare close your door otherwise you are gonna find it pieces the next morning. I don't want to hear your sorry, keep it to yourself. I am making hot chocolate, come downstairs after washing up."

I let out a small chuckle hearing his words which got him to smile. With that he left tucking my hand on my lap to make us hot chocolate.

I sighed, and met Damien eyes. His eyes expressing just what Raven said. I knew not to take his words like nothing cause last two times i did , I found my door broken into pieces placed neatly in a box at the side of my bed next morning.

"I'm fine"I said. My voice hoarse and dry due to screaming so loudly.

"Could have fooled me. The nightmares have increased in the past few weeks Jacob. We have to go see Elder Matthias. We cannot let it slide. You weren't even able to recognise the tap on your forehead the first few times. I know you said you have pack work but i think we need to atleast ask him if he knows how to control them or the reason why they are occuring so frequently."

I sighed, as i dropped my head on his shoulder. I knew Raven could hear our conversation through our imprint link and was also patiently waiting for me to tell them. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. I needed to tell them. I have stalled the topic enough for pask few weeks but i couldn't do it anymore.

" I also think we should tell them. The time has come Jacob. We are gonna need them. Both of them need to know." Jasper said quietly in my head.

"Yah. You are right." With that i broke my link to Jasper. I stood up, silently walked to the bathroom did my business and looked at Damien, gastering him to come with me.

"Lets go downstairs. i will tell both of you together."


Upon reaching downstairs, i found three hot chocolate waiting for me with a worried looking Raven gestering me to sit down. I sat down on the dining table and stated sipping the hot chocolate. I could tell they both were anxiously waiting for me to tell them, not wanting to force me.

I sighed for like the thousandth time. I slowing lowered my now empty glass which Raven took from me. They both sat across me as i told them to. I couldn't even meet there gaze. I lowered my eyes on the table and prepared myself .

"Its going to happen soon."I watched there reaction changing from anxious to worried. A silent tear fell from Raven's eyes. Who could have thought the six feet tall warrior could cry so easily for me.I sadly smiled st them.

"We all knew it was going to happen in the future, i guess its the time now. Jasper and I can feel it. Its approaching soon. And papa's news yesterday only confirmed that."

"What news?"I lifted my gaze from the table to see Damien watching me with eyes full of worry. The three of us have had this conversation many times in the past. It was something Elder Matthias told us beforehand to prepare us and tell us the consequences.

"Javier is coming America for Natalie's birthday on saturday. He is bringing his boyfriend of two years too. Papa was grinning when he told me that Javier wants them to meet his boyfriend. I guess him having a boyfriend highly increase the chance of ritual happening. He told me that Javier really loves his boyfriend."

Raven stood up from his chair and hugged me. Damien silently wiped the tears i didn't even know when fell. Jasper whimpered in my head of the idea of our mate meeting someone else.Even i wished things could have been different. If only i wasn't suffering from this pathetic diseases which destroyed so many life.

Damien looked at me with knowing eyes and told me.

"Don't you dare blame yourself it wasn't your fault. You couldn't even do anything, heck you didn't even do anything. We all knew it was gonna happen. And we are all prepared.We are gonna be with you waiting for you."

"yah. We can do all the last minute arrangement in these three days. We are always gonna be there for you. You are our brother, our imprint, the only soul with whom we share our heart. Goddess choise us for a reason, Cub." Raven nodded to me. I smiled all the nickname, the name still stayed even after so many years.I don't even anyone else call me that ecexpt these two.

"I'm sorry i didn't told you guys about it. I needed time to wrap my mind around the fact that I gonna be gone soon"

"But you are gonna come back to us. You are gonna be with us all the time. Don't worry about not telling us, we know it was a big step for you. You are gonna lose so much Cub, but not us . Remember that. Are you absolutly sure that Javier is gonna reject you?"

"More than anything."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19, 2023 ⏰

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