I looked to my door, ensuring that it was locked as the briefcase clicked open. I reached in and fingered the photograph of my parents. My mother's raven locks were flowing freely in the breeze as she looked up at my father, his face filled with love and affection as he smiled down at me. His green eyes sparkled with the emotions I longed to feel once more.

I shook my head as I cleared my thoughts and picked up my burner phone. I looked around, drawing in a deep breath, scanning the room for signs of anything being out of place and making sure the curtains were drawn. I didn't need anyone looking in and seeing the steel case on my bed.

It was always tricky making the call, reporting in to headquarters, and each time was riskier than the last, especially since Carter and Darrell had started suspecting a mole in the house.

I let the phone ring twice and hung up, immediately redialing the number, our code so that Boss knew I was able to talk, even if for just a few moments.

"Yes," his tone was clipped as usual.

"They're on their way to the airport." I kept my voice low, the fear of what would happen to me if Carter or Darrell found out what I was doing was never far from my mind.

"How long before they reach Rhode Island?"

"Just a few hours. Victoria has two of her guards with her." I hesitated briefly, knowing Boss would enjoy hearing what I had to say next, "And, Carter sent Lynx and Miller to flank Lea."

The man on the other end of the line let out a small sadistic laugh, "He must really care about her."

"Yea, he does." I pinched the bridge of my nose.

"Who is flanking him?" Boss' gruff voice was steady.

I settled back on my bed, "Darrell and Darrien of course, Tony and a couple of Lea's guards."

"So there is no way to physically get to him?"

"No." I paused a moment, considering my next words. "Look, just promise me that you won't be too hard on her."

Boss scoffed and then hissed, "Don't tell me, she's gotten to you too?"

I shook my head. "No," I lied, "but she's already been through more hell than one person deserves." I lowered my voice even more, regret starting to set in at having to use Lea to break Carter, I really did like her. "She didn't ask to be here, Boss."

"If I remember correctly, it was your parents he killed. Yes?"

"Yes, " I whispered as the hate I had for Carter filled me once more.

"So, don't make me fucking regret allowing you to do this, understand?"

I pushed my feelings aside, "I understand."

The phone line went dead. I didn't like the implied threat, but I should have known better than to say what I did. I didn't want Lea to be hurt, but I knew that whatever it was that was going to happen to her, would get me one step closer to what I wanted.. revenge for my parents death.

It had taken me a long while to find out exactly who had been responsible for their deaths. Boss had originally been unforthcoming with the name when I had first asked him about it. It had taken a few months of constant nagging for him to tell me and then a couple more for me to convince him to let me infiltrate Carter's organization. I knew that he hated Carter and I used that knowledge as my bargaining chip.

I quickly tucked my phone into my briefcase and shoved it under the bed as a knock sounded on the door. I silently made my way to the door, unlocking it and pulling it open.

A Cartel Affair (First Original Draft)Where stories live. Discover now