Chapter 2

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A/N Raylan Givens at top//

Rose's POV, The next day, around noon

I slowly opened my eyes to the light filtering in through my motel room window. I groaned a little, shielding my eyes. I rolled over, grabbing my cell phone, and looked at the time. It was noon.

I sat up, and pulled myself out of bed. It was too late for breakfast, so it was time for lunch. I planned on finding a diner around here.

I grabbed a set of clothes from my bag, and walked into the bathroom to take a quick shower.

After I finished, I dressed, threw my hair up into a messy bun, and walked back out to the room. I grabbed my purse, car keys, room key, and my cell phone. I made my way outside, and got in my car.

After about fifteen minutes of driving around, I finally found a small diner, and decided to eat there. I parked in the lot, and walked inside.

A hostess immediately appeared. "Table for one?"

I nodded, and followed her as she led me to a table. I sat down with a smile, as I accepted the menu from her.

"Any drink to start off with?" she asked brightly.

"Just some water, thank you." I replied, and she nodded, walking off.

Raylan's POV

I smiled a little as I saw Rose enter the diner.

"What are you staring at?" My partner asked, looking at me.

I chuckled, "Nothing."

My partner rose an eyebrow.

"Oh really? Then go talk to her." He demanded.

I chuckled again, nodding. "I will, then."

I stood up from my table, and walked towards Rose's.

Rose's POV

The waitress came back a minute later with my water. As I thanked her, I noticed Raylan approaching my table out of the corner of my eye.

I took a sip of the water, and when he sat down across from me in the booth, I looked up from my cup.

"Fancy seeing you here." I spoke sarcastically.

Raylan laughed, crossing his arms on the table.

"I eat here every morning with my partner, darlin'. It would be you that happens to be new here."

I smiled a bit, looking at him.

"Well, I would love to continue this conversation, but I'm starving." I told him, hinting for him to leave.

Raylan just stared at me, a smirk on his face, nodding. "Alright, Rose. Just one more thing, if I may?"

I nodded, urging him to continue.

"Will you go out for drinks with me?" he asked, leaning forward.

I bit my lip, pretending to think, and Raylan laughed.

"Sure, I will."

"Great. I'll pick you up. What room?"

I smirked. "Ten."

With a wink, Raylan stood up, and walked back over to his table.

I took a deep breath, and let it out slowly. I didn't expect that.

After about twenty minutes, I was on the last of my lunch, and that's when Raylan and his partner got up to leave. As they got to the door, Raylan and I made eye contact. I could almost feel the electricity running through my body. The spark, I should say.

When they were gone, the hostess approached my table, and placed the check down next to me.

I thanked her with a smile, and picked it up in my fingers. I read over it, and gasped, a disbelieving smile on my face:

This meal has been paid for by Mr. Raylan Givens. And then underneath that, a single sentence:

See you tonight.

Later tonight, 8pm

I took a deep breath to rid my body of the butterflies. I looked at myself in the mirror.My favorite red dress fit perfectly, and my makeup was complete with a nice red lip. I fluffed my hair, to give my natural loose waves some volume. I grabbed my purse, and cell phone, just as I heard a car honk from outside.

I let out a deep breath, and walked outside. When I saw Raylan in the driver's seat, my heart started racing, but in a good way.

I smiled his way, as I got in the passenger seat.

"Wow, don't you look beautiful." He complimented as soon as I closed the door.

We stared at each other before I spoke. "You don't look too bad yourself."

He laughed, starting the car.

We arrived at the only bar in town a good twenty minutes later. Raylan got out first, and rounded the car, opening my door like a gentleman.

I smiled in response, "Thank you."

His hand was on my lower back, guiding me inside, and to the bar. We sat down, and Raylan looked at me.

"What do you drink?"

I turned to the bartender. "Vodka, with Sprite."

I could feel Raylan's eyes on me.

"Just give me a beer." He told the bartender.

A minute later, our drinks were in front of us, and I took a sip. The burning down my throat felt surprisingly good.

"So.." Raylan started.

I focused on him.

"Why did you come here?" he asked, an interested smile on his face.

I let out a short chuckle, meeting his eyes.

"Are you sure you want to know?"

Raylan didn't break eye contact. "Yep."

I laughed, and let out a sigh. "I have, what you would call, a bad history."

"Bad how?"

"Like illegal, bad." I admitted.

Raylan feigned shocked. "You're a criminal?" He playfully asked.

I giggled, pushing him in the arm lightly, causing him to smile.

"No, of course not. I never got caught, Mr. U.S. Marshall."

"That's all behind you though, right, Rose?"

I nodded.

Before Raylan could open his mouth to speak again, a man approached us. He looked vaguely familiar; he had a large forehead, and was wearing a brown suit, and a snarl on his face.

"Hello, Raylan." He said.

"Good evening, Boyd." Raylan replied, an annoyed look on his face.

Raylan looked at me, then at Boyd.

I felt nervous. "Hi, I'm Rose." I introduced myself.

"Boyd Crowder." The man replied. He looked me over, and a look of recognition seemed to cloud his eyes, and then it was gone.

That's when I realized where I knew him from. But I couldn't tell Raylan.

"Well, I best be goin'. Ava's waitin' on me." Boyd told us, bidding us both goodnight.

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