Chapter 21 - Fly Away

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Looking at her brother made everything more real, her wings fluttering behind her as she smiles.

Y/n went to the middle and bowed to Iida "You did awesome Takami, I will improve so that I can win and beat you."

He bowed back as she talked "I will be waiting for our rematch" She smiled, and they went their separated ways.

Getting back with the 1-A class she received a lot of praise from her friends, as her eyes traveled to the 1-C class, there no one was looking at her, Shinso was next to the border that separated them, but he didn't even spare her a glance.

Taking deep breaths she looked back at the arena, now was the sparkling boy and the pink girl.

Y/n zoomed out until she felt a light tap on her shoulder, it was Tokoyami.

"I'm next..." she stared at him for a few seconds then jumped up and hugged him tightly

"Good luck! Even if you don't need it, I know you two are going to do it without breaking a sweat" she parted the hug, her wings turned back to the original boring grey.

He nodded and smiled "Thank You" he gave her head a pat and waved as he made his way to the arena.


After Tokoyami and the creator girl, which he won it was Kirishima and Tetsutetsu, that was a draw.

Uraraka made Bakugo run for his money, Bakugo won, but it was quite a fight to watch, everyone was booing the Bm Boom Boy, but when she focused on him the only feeling that was on him was determination,  that was the first time that she saw someone this determinated, and she envy him for that, the last explosion was gigantic and scary.

Then the fight between Izuku and Shoto happened.

That was a disaster, every time Shoto tried to cover Izuku with ice, he broke his finger and the wind of it broke through the waves of ice every. single. time. 

But he wasn't using his left side, Izuku they were shouting at each other.

Then IT happened.

His fire exploded in a beautiful way, his fire and ice acting together like one, the scene recreated itself on her heart, blooming a new feeling.

Y/n's wings got full baby pink, while her face got more red than Kirishima's hair.

But the feeling was cut by a scream, Endevours scream.


"Son of a-" before she could finish her phrase a strong gush of wind came from the arena.

There he was with half of his shirt burned showing his hot body.

'Oh my...'

And when the smoke cloud cleared out everyone saw Izuku on the wall outside the line.

The stadium was caos after that, that power trip was scarry, sir Cementoss almost couldn't stop them, if he had not used his quirk to stop then the result could be very tragic.

Y/n got up and smiled to the people around her "Wish me luck guys!" Her friends all waved at her, she took a deep breath and went to her waiting room.

The girl's phone rang, so... she pick it up, without looking at the screen

"Hello! Takami speaking!" Y/n said, she then sat on the chair in front of the table

"Hi dear, it's Mama..."

An ugly yellow took over her grey wings, the enourmos feeling of panic and

An ugly yellow took over her grey wings, the enourmos feeling of panic and

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