Chapter 33 - Going Home

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You were ecstatic! Finally, going home! Finally, a less restrictive diet! A softer bed! And Keigo took a week off again, but said that in emergencies he would still be called.

You dressed up nicely, and since it was so windy Keigo put a beige coat on you, so you would be like him, Okami had given you a cute hair clip, as a goodbye gift, but you have the slight impression that you will be seeing her again.

Going outside was a big relief, fresh cold air on your face too, Keigo had used all of his feather against a villain, so he went to fetch you with one of his cars, by what he told he, he had a few of them for this type of occasion.

"Sorry for the long wait! There's a lot of traffic right now " Keigo jogged to you and gave your backpack back "the car is parked over there, but I hope you can take a few more minutes here, you look so cute! Wait a second!!! Let me take a picture!"

You blushed and nodded "It's getting colder since we are getting into autumn... can we eat some lamen?"

He nods back at you and take the picture, "Tell me how does it look? Am I a good photographer?" Keigo shows you the picture and... you look pretty! Beautiful even!

"I love it!"


Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

(as I said once before, I pick those colors for hair and eyes because it looks like him, if you want to make your own, there is the site)

"By the way, who gave you that teddy bear?"

"I don't know, it was in the middle of my 'get well soon' presents, so I'm not sure..."

"Let's go, we have your pets waiting for us at home" he put his arm around your shoulder and leads you to the car.

You get inside first, but when you look to see him getting in the car, you notice a lipstick mark on his upper cheek bone.

"... Keigo, did you meet with miss Okami while I was changing?" You squint your eyes at him.

"... " He looks back at you and blushes hard "maybe..." Keigo evades your eyes and starts to drive.

"You have a mark on your cheek, I'm glad that you are going out with her" you look out the window and sit the bear on your lap.

"R-really!? I WANT TO SHOW YOU THE CUTEST SHIT EVER!!" you hear how strongly he's gripping on the wheel "take my cellphone, it's on my jacket"

You do so and show him the phone, so he can put the password, but he shakes his head "Your fingerprint can open it too, but please don't go around my messages, that is more for emergencies, okay?"

You nod and open his phone.

"Go to gallery and-" he sees you looking disgusted at him "WHAT IS THAT FACE FOR!!???" Keigo's scream and gets red again "I DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU ARE THINKING, BUT OH MY GOD!" He takes a deep breath and waits for the light to turn green "go to the gallery and look into my favorites, it must be the first picture..."

Hawks's Sister [Completed]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ