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I parked at the curb and stared at the car in my driveway.  It was almost brand new and had a sticker on the back suggesting it was a hire car. 

I thought perhaps Gerard had returned to give me some pointers, or worse, fire me; but we'd been emailing and he hadn't mentioned anything.  Then again I didn't know the man from a bar of soap, so anything was possible.

Making sure my mobile phone was readily available if I needed to call the police and clutching my bag close to my body, I exited the car and looked at my porch, half expecting to see someone sitting there waiting for me.  It was empty; so was the car.

I debated calling the police but didn't want to get a reputation for being a panicker within the first couple of days of living on the island. 

Plus I really didn't want Jack Foster turning up with his self-confidence and all.  Instead I squared my shoulders, lifted my chin high and walked past the empty car to my front door.  A wave of nausea washed over me when I saw the door; it had been forced open and someone had also broken my front window. 

Taking a deep breath, I walked as calmly as I could back to my car, got in, locked it and dialled 000. 

"Hello, what's your emergency?"  A calm and professional sounding woman asked.

"Um... I'm not really sure...  I'm... someone has broken into my house and there's a car parked up my driveway."  I tried to control the shaking in my voice.

There was silence on the end of the line, then, "What kind of car is it?"

I was surprised by the question then realised the call was probably put straight through to the local police station, "Er... a late model Holden Barina.  It has a sticker for Island Rentals on it."

"Hmmm... don't know that car.  I'll send one of the boys around.  Shouldn't be too long.  Stay on the phone with me until they arrive okay?"  The voice was calm and helped calm me; I didn't know who the person was on the other end of the line, but if she was a local I planned to thank her in person in the near future.

"What's your address?"  The woman asked.

"Lilly Pilly Cottage on Acacia Avenue..."  I didn't get any further.

"Oh you're Morgan right?  The new reporter?  Nice to sort of meet you."  I could hear the smile in the woman's voice and wasn't sure what to say or do.

"Yeah that's me.  I'm... sorry but are you on the island?" I asked, thoroughly confused.

"Yep.  My name is Daphne Sailor.  Wild Winds Island born and raised.  Now my kids and their kids live here too."  She didn't sound as old as she must have been and despite the situation, I liked her.

I watched the cottage intently and was terrified I would see something and even more terrified I wouldn't see anything.

A wave of fear washed over me as I realised I didn't know where Apricat was.  I'd left the cat flap so he could come and go as he pleased, but I couldn't bear the thought he might be cowering somewhere in the house scared out of his wits.  Despite my fear, I unlocked my car door and slipped out onto the road, phone still to my ear.

"I just have to go Daphne.  It was nice meeting you." I said without tone as I ended the call.

I knew deep down I shouldn't have done it; you should always stay on the phone to the dispatcher where possible and all of that, but I had to see what was happening and I had to make sure the cat who had only recently become mine was safe.

My soft leather boots made no sound as I walked once again up the driveway and past the car.  I stood listening for a minute but all I could hear was my rapid heartbeat and my breathing that seemed way too loud.

Murder On Wild Winds IslandWhere stories live. Discover now