Chapter 7

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A/n: I'd like to say beforehand that on this chapter you'll see a MAJOR hint as to what our protagonist is.

You know, I never thought about it, but now I certainly am.

Holy crap could I eat a lot!

I mean seriously, Fubuki had a mainly normal sized meal of curry and rice, but me and Akagi really blew her out of the water, err, metaphorically.

Oh yeah, apparently this is what Akagi looked like.

Oh yeah, apparently this is what Akagi looked like

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(Without Rigging)

Anyway, with a vigour I never even knew I had, I was just guzzling down food at a rapid pace.

Jeez, I never knew I could eat this much!

"Y-you certainly are hungry, aren't you?" Fubuki chuckled nervously.

"You bet!" I replied. "I haven't eaten much since the day I came to be, so I'm starving!"

I don't know why, but I'm starting to feel like a broken record for some reason.

Just can't put my finger on it though, I'm too busy shovelling masses of food in my mouth.

"How did you eat that much food!?" Fubuki gasped in shock as we left. Akagi had gone somewhere else, probably the Archery range considering the things Fubuki has told me about her.

Either way, she was probably pointing out that I ate pretty much 4 times the amount Akagi did. Everyone that was watching seemed shocked, but I guess I was too busy eating to notice at the time.

Akagi seemed surprised, but she just smiled and kept on eating.

"Uh, I guess I was just hungry." I replied nervously.

Even I was surprised by how much I ate to be honest, it was pretty freaky to be honest.

But then again, nothing about me wasn't freaky or weird at this point.

"Hey!" A voice called out.

Before I could try and draw my attention to the voice, it seemed to come to my as massive figure loomed over me. Well, I say massive, but I'm just really short, so it's more of a comparison.

 Well, I say massive, but I'm just really short, so it's more of a comparison

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