Chapter 4

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A/n: Alright, this takes place right after the conversation and continuing on.

"Wait, Admiral?" I asked. "Isn't that like, the top dog in the navy."

"Not quite, but you're close." Hood replied. "They aren't the  highest, but they do command a naval fleet."

"Okay?" I stated unsurely.

Damn, I was gonna meet a top dog in the navy! This was so awesome!

"Oh, how rude of me, before we I need to know you top speed." Hood exclaimed. "I don't want to leave you in the dust, no offense to you of course."

"No, you're right." I sighed as I looked down, embarrassed. "To my knowledge and what my Captain told me, my max speed is 7 knot." 

"Wow, that is slow." She exclaimed. "It would be too slow to get you back, so is there anything about this island that I should know?"

"Well, there's this runway through the forest." I answered. "Is it a forest?"

Yeah, I forgot to mention, but at that place that I slept the was this largely intact runway, even with a few Japanese planes scattered around. I wasn't sure why, but it gave me an unpleasant feeling.

"Well, let's get going!" Hood exclaimed.

Before I could tell her of the horrors that lay ahead, she aimed one of her turrets straight at the forest and fired as two shells pierced their way through the forest, decimating evrything in their wake before finally striking something solid and exploding in a ball of fire and steel.

"HOLY MOLY!" I yelled, looking up to her. "What the heck was that for!?"

"Well, we need to get their as fast as possible, don't we?" Hood exclaimed. "Plus, as far as I know, there's no intelligent life on this island apart from us."

"Y-yeah, but you could've warned me." I stuttered.

Note: Never make Hood angry.

"Let's get going." Hood stated as she began to walk where the shells line of destruction went.

This time, without all the vines tangling the barrels or the runways on my sides, it only took ten minutes to walk all the way to the building.

I walked around it and looked to the runway lying behind.

"Here it is." I exclaimed as Hood walked with me to the runway.

"Hmm." Hood, well, Hmm'd as she thoughtfully analysed the runway. "Alright, this should be enough." 

"Enough for what?" I asked.

Hood stayed silent as she seemed to have a glazed look over her face with it staying like that for a few seconds before turning back to normal.

"Sorry if I spaced out a bit, I was just contacting the Admiral to inform them of the situation." Hood explained.

"Okay, so are we going  by plane?"

Hood muttered something but I couldn't hear whatever she was saying.

"Anyway!" Hood exclaimed. "We've got 3 hours of waiting time, so let's talk."

"Okay?" I stated. "Can I ask you something then?"

"Go ahead."

"What am I?"

"What are you?" She exclaimed in confusion. "Whatever do you mean?"

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