Chapt. 2

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I soon to wake with the noise of  my alarm buzzer. I groans and swings my hand out, to the alarn and shut it. "Li, wake up or you're going to be late and please send your sisters to school, on your way to school. I have early class today.", shouts Sophia and I groans. I grumpily sit up on the bed and stretch up as I get up from the bed. I make my bed, then slowly make my way to the closet. I head to the bathroom, behind the closet and get myself a quick shower. I take my shower like 10-15 minutes than usual, then brush my teeth and rinse with peppermints mouthwash. I get out from the bathroom and get my outfit of the day, on. I put on my boxer, black baggy jeans and black tight tees along with white, long sleeves cardigan. I get my hair done and put some gel to my hair, then put a little of Marc Jacob fragrance for the finishing touch. I put on my black socks, then get my army-camouflage sneeks onto my feet. I walk out from my closet, then head to my study table and pack some books that I need to bring to school. I uncharge my iPad and iPhone, then put my iPad into the bag while slip my iPhone into my pocket. I sling my bag loosely to my right shoulder, then head out from the room. As I'm halfway walking downstairs, loud slam noise shocks me. I flinch at the noise, turning back to see Amanda walking towards my directions with tight, hurt looks. "What just happened?", Sophia from the kitchen, are currently waiting for us, at the last step of the stairs. "Sorry, the door slip from my hand and it slams loudly.", Amanda lie and I look at her, carefully. From the corner of her eyes, I could see something's wrong happening. "Morning to you too, Amanda.", I greets her and she glares at me, full with anger. I gulps at the sight of her giving to me, then she sigh and head downstairs, leaving me standing behind. I sigh slowly and head downstairs too, following her behind to the kitchen and Sophia are now feeding Daisy and Jane, while Amanda trying to help with Bryanna and Cath. 

"Morning.", I greets and they greets me back. I put my bag down, then set myself a bowl of my favorite cereal and put some milk into it. I grab a spoon from the drawer, then head back to the counter. "There you go. Okay, I need to run for my early class now and Li, are you going to walk or drive them, to their school?", ask Sophia and I think it's best to drive, since I'm sending my sisters to school. "I'll drive.", I say and she nods. She gives us quick pecks to the cheeks and we exchange goodbye's, then off she heads to the front door. Soon, the noise of front door being lock echoes the house, then everything just get silents. "Amanda, I need to talk with you, for a moment. If that's possible.", I say slowly, taking spoonful of my cereal. She nods slowly, then finish Bryanna and Cath's breakfast and help to clean their dirty faces from the food. I take another few spoonful of my cereals, then I head to the living room. Amanda soon to appears after a minute or two I reach there, then she get herself sit down to the couch. "What you want to talk about, Li?", she ask and sounds bored. Rude. "Spit it out, Missy.", I cross my arms and giving her the sterns look. She tries to covers it up but soon to gives in. "How did you know something happened?", she ask and I put my hands down, to my laps and sit beside her on the couch. "You're my sister and of course, I know you. I know when you're having problems or something bothering you. It's obviously too, that you're mad just now. You don't just slam the door except protest about something that you're not satisfied with and your door are actually pretty hard to slam as loud as just now, except when you shut it with all your strength.", I say slowly and she purse her lips, looking down to her laps. She slowly shooks her head, then sigh heavily. "I don't know, Li. Lately, I feel different. Been rough few weeks now and I feel like under pressure. Teachers didn't accept my projects and tell me to do it again, then I got...", she stop and her small figure starts to shakes beside me. 

I pull her into comfort hug, hushing her down and she hug me back, tightly, grabbing the back of my shirt tightly. "Students at my school starts calling me ' The sister of Gay!' because you're gay! They also call me 'faggot's sister' .", she cry and I feel bad for her. I hush her down and slowly she calms down, then I reminds her to take her anxiety pills. She sniffs hard, then pull away and nods slowly to me. "It's okay. Just ignores what they say! They know nothing about us, but us! Don't worry! They're the one who fags, not you. So, just ignores them.", I assures her, giving her soft kiss to her forehead. She look up at me and pull weak smile, then thanks me, kiss my forehead. I nods and off she go to the kitchen. Waves of guilts hits me and I feel bad for Amanda, for what she've been through. I mean, I'm the whose being 'gay' and not them, why those kids need to interferes our family's matter? I sigh heavily and get up from the couch, then head back to the kitchen, to finish my breakfast. I get to the kitchen, then continue to eat my breakfast down, while watching Amanda taking her medicines and Bryanna and Cath, playing with Daisy and Jane. I quickly finish my breakfast, then put the bowl into the dishwasher. Amanda pass me a glass of water and I thanks her, drink the water down in split minutes. I get to the nursery and pack Daisy and Jane's bag, for them to bring to their nursery. I walk back to the kitchen with their bags, then make Bryanna and Cath lunch for them to bring to their primary school. "Okay, let's go. Is everyone ready?", I ask and they nods. Amanda help me with the bags while I get Daisy and Jane down from their 'tall chairs'. I sling my back to my right shoulder and off we head to the front door. I get my BMW X6 car key, then out we go from the mansion to the garage. Amanda and others head to the car and I unlock the car for them, then I lock the front door. I jog towards the car and help Daisy, Jane, Bryanna and Cath into the backseat, while Amanda put the bags into the trunk. I get all the backseat doors to child-lock, for safety since I don't have any carseats for Daisy and Jane, in my car. 

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