Chapter 8: Attacked

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If Snoke had been right about Evangeline making him weak, then did he truly want to be strong?


Whatever the cost, Kylo wanted her and her happiness.

Kylo had even made a habit of sending her gifts, including a com-link, so that she could call him directly.

But she never did. She used it only if Kylo called her first when he could not reach her through the bond.

His Little Bird claimed she had forgiven him, claimed that she understood why he had no choice other than to abruptly shut their connection but it was glaringly obvious that Evangeline had built a fortress around herself.

She was guarded, though she tried very hard not to be.

It was as if letting him in now pained her. As if parts of her were slipping from his grasp...just out of reach.

Kylo did his best not to hold it against her. Yet, he despised feeling that no matter what he did, it wasn't good enough to mend things. He couldn't understand what else she needed from him.

He also hated that he was spending most of his free time agonizing over this. His focus should be devoted to ruling the galaxy, finding Rey, and defeating the Resistance.

Instead, all he could think about was her—his Little Bird, and how crawling into her bed meant so much more than just a quick fuck. It had become a place where Kylo could simply just exist, without judgment.

His feelings confused him to the point of aggravation. So, he chose to ignore them.

At least for the time being.

Settling into the comfort of his bed, Kylo began his nightly ritual of reaching out to her. He whispered her name through the bond, but was greeted by the relaxed beat of her heart and the steady rise and fall of her breathing.

She was already asleep.

He sighed in disappointment, not having the heart to wake her.

"Sleep well, Little Bird," he whispered through the connection, and though he was no closer to understanding his feelings for her, Kylo allowed himself to find comfort in the slight sounds Evangeline made in her sleep until he too drifted off.


Evangeline bolts up in bed, a cold sweat running down her spine, her hands shaking even while clutching at her bedsheets.

Something is not right.

It takes her a moment to center herself and decipher that the anxiety she senses is in fact her own, and not Kylo's.

Screaming and clambering suddenly fill the halls of Paradise House. It has Evangeline out of bed in seconds, throwing on a robe and rushing out of her chambers.

She is met by her Paradise Girls–Elise, Devika, Faya, and Teagan, all led by Daliah.

They don't need to speak to know that one of their own is missing.


They take off running in the direction of her room, their cries growing louder.

A crowd of Paradise workers had formed in the doorway, shouting incoherently but all too afraid to pass the threshold.

"Get out of my fucking way!" Evangeline barks, pushing past them as they part like the sea, letting their leader in.

Evangeline's eyes grow wide in horror, the edges of her vision blurring as she takes in the scene before her.

Catana lay in a crumbled naked heap on the floor. Her dark curls fall in front of her face, obscuring her from view, but it's clear she's crying by her muffled whimpers and the way her body trembles. Her back and buttocks are littered with fresh whip marks.

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