Chapter 2: Secrets Uncovered

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Skye's POV
I'm so excited. Can't wait to be with Katie and Everest. This is going to be so much fun. I made it. I bark my wings away and I run inside as the doors open. Where's Katie? I find Callie laying on the counter but isn't asleep.

"Hey, Callie," I greeted. She just meows in response. "Um, where's Katie?" Callie points to the hallway leading to Katie's room. She's probably getting ready or something. I guess I'll wait for her to come out. I sat next to the counter where Callie was. Not long after, Katie got out with her pj's and some snacks. "Hey, Katie," I smiled.

"Oh, hey, Skye," Katie said surprised. "I didn't know you were here. Why didn't you tell me?"

"I didn't want to interrupt whatever you were doing," I explained.

"Oh. Well, what do you wanna do while we wait for Everest?"

"I need to talk. I need help."


"You know who."


"No, the other guy."


"Yes. Kinda Chase too," I confessed.

"Okay, so what's up?"

"Well, so you know that you, Ryder, and Everest only know about him?"


"I ended up telling Zuma and Rocky, but not entirely. Like I told them who he was and that he didn't treat me in the best way but I didn't tell them everything."

"Okayyy," she said keeping up.

"They want me to be with Chase but I'm afraid the same might happen. I like Chase and all but I'm trying not to feel something more with him, get me?"

"Yeah I understand," Katie nodded. "I kinda agree with Rocky and Zuma. I mean, if you are falling for him, then tell him. Pretty sure he's not like Smoky."

"That's exactly what they said. But I rather be safe than sorry."

"I understand. But if you want my advice, then don't let one past relationship ruin others you can have. Don't let him stop you from being happy. I think Smoky is the past, and Chase is the future.

"I don't know, Katie. I'll think about it."

"Okay. C'mon, let's go and set up the living room so when Everest comes, it's ready."

Third POV
Skye and Katie placed four pillows on the floor and put some snacks in bowls. The automatic doors opened and Everest ran in.

Hey, Skye, hi, Katie," Everest said as she ran up to them.

"Hi," Skye smiled.

"Hey, Everest," Katie said as she petted her.
"I'm glad Jake and Ryder allowed you both to come. So, what'd you wanna do first?"

"I wanted to tell you both something," Everest said nervously. The three sat down on the floor facing each other. "Okay," Everest said as she exhaled slowly. "So...I have a crush on someone," she blurted out. Katie and Skye smirked at each other then at Everest.

"Who?" Skye asked curiously.
Chase's POV
The guys are worrying me right now. Zuma said he knew exactly what to do and now everyone is smiling, even Ryder. It's like everyone can read each other's thoughts but me. They're all thinking the same thing.

"So, Chase..." Rocky said as everyone looked at me.

"W-what?" I asked nervously. "You guys are worrying me. Just tell me already."

"Sure," Marshall smirked. "Have you thought about telling Skye. Ya know, how ya feel?" Great.

"N-n-no. W-why would I do that? She'll just reject me." Everyone's facial expressions changed from smirks to annoyance.

"You're still going with this, dude?" Zuma asked as he put his paw on his face.

"Well, I'm facing the reality, dude," I said dryly.

"She won't reject you!" The pups all yelled at the same time. I began to think. Why wouldn't Skye reject me? I mean, think about it. She's kind, sweet, brave, determined, cute, warm-hearted, positive, did I mention cute?

"Earth to Chase!" Rocky yelled as he waved his paw in front of my face.

"Wha?" I said as I snapped back to reality.

"You were thinking about her, weren't you?" Marshall teased.

"N-no, I wasn't," I said quickly. The guys started to laugh at me and I felt embarrassed. I buried my face in my paws and just stared at them.

"Awww," Zuma laughed. "He's blushing."

"He's redder than Marshall's gear," Rocky laughed.

"Chase and Skye~ sittin' in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G," Rubble and Marshall sang as they skipped around the room. "First comes love, then comes marriage-"

"Stop!" I interrupted with my paws still covering my face.

"He's still blushing," Marshall pointed out.

"Awww," Rubble smiled. God make them stop. Ryder saw my embarrassment from across the room and came over.

"Okay, pups," Ryder said as he waved his arms in the air. "That's enough. You bothered Chase enough."

"What about you, Ryder?" Marshall laughed.

"Me?" Ryder asked as he scratched the back of his neck. "W-what are you talking about?"

"Katie," Marshall laughed.

"W-w-w-wait," Zuma paused. "You haven't told Katie either!?" Zuma said surprised.

"M-maybe not," Ryder laughed nervously.

"What on Earth is wrong with you two?"

"Just afraid, that's all," Ryder shrugged.

"Of what?" Rocky said loosing his patience.

"Who else would Skye like?" He asked looking at me.

"I dunno," I shrugged. "You? Zuma? Marshall?"

"No!" Rocky yelled. "And Ryder," he said turning to face him. "Who else would Katie like? Danny? No!"

"She could like Alex," he said trying to make up an excuse.

"Alex? Really, Ryder?" Rocky raised an eyebrow. I tried holding a laugh in. I agreed with Rocky. Alex? Was he serious? It was kinda funny though.

"Can we watch Apollo the Superpup!?" Rubble begged. "Please," he said with puppy eyes.

"Okay," Ryder gave in. We all sat on beanbags in front of the big screen. Rubble and Marshall sat closest to the screen while me, Zuma, and Rocky sat behind. We watched this show a hundred times but I honestly had no idea what else to do. After about 10 minutes into the show Zuma nudged my arm and signaled towards another room.

"We need to talk," he said. I already have an idea what we're gonna talk about...

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