Adonis kissed his teeth knowing she was lying but didn't say anything because David reached the door before he could say anything. 

"Ah there's my baby girl!" David said, embracing her in a warm hug.  While the two were in an embrace David gave his future son in law a menacing look before quickly changing his attitude and let the couple inside.

"Hey daddy!" Bria smiled widely.

"Mr Stevens it's good to see you." Adonis greeted David as he walked further into the house.

"And I, well..." David said before he was interrupted by Bria.

"Daddy, be nice." She encouraged.

David sighed and welcomed Adonis into his home. 

"Thank you for watching our babygirl while I was at work.  Adonis will wire you the money into your bank account so you can keep babysitting Yara." Bria spoke up for Adonis.

Adonis' eyebrows furrowed, sitting down on the couch in the living room across from her father who sat in his recliner.

"Anytime, especially since that last payment was looking real nice.  So you'll be in surgery in a couple weeks how you feel babygirl?"

"I'm alright I guess just a little anxious and nervous and I'll be without breasts for a while until I have my reconstructive surgery once I've healed."

  "I'm worried about you baby girl but I know you'll pull through." David started.

"Dad I know, but thankfully we caught it early so I can plan for it and take preventative measures so that it doesn't worsen.  I want to be here for as long as possible to watch my baby grow and you know maybe give Yara a brother or a sister or two." Bria hinted, looking up at Adonis.

David gave Adonis a devilish look, crossing his leg over his knee as he leaned back.

"So you trust him enough to have more babies with this man? After the way he treated you?" David questioned her.

"Adonis isn't going to leave me." Bria smiled proudly.  "That's also why we wanted to talk to you." Bria said, placing her hand on Adonis' lap.  She then looks up at him reassuringly and then back at her father.

"I trust him with my life." Bria declares. 

"I proposed to Bria a couple of days ago and she said yes." Adonis says revealing the Diamond ring that was hidden in his hand as he held onto hers.

David looked down at the rock and back at his daughter who was smiling from ear to ear.

"We're getting married." Bria shrieked excitedly, waving her fingers in the air, showing off her engagement ring.

"He proposed to me Sunday evening and it was one of the most beautiful things I've ever experienced and hell I haven't even gotten married yet! I love him dad and I know he's made some mistakes in the past but this is the man that I love, I just hope that we can eventually move on and you'll love him as much as I do."

"You're engaged and I knew nothing about it?" David asked , feeling heated that Adonis kept this whole thing from him.

"Well you don't like me," Donnie shrugged.  "I figured it was best if I went ahead and did it anyway, I knew you would've said no.  You would've said no and I would've did it anyway... I love your daughter and you're just going to have to respect that.  You don't have to like me, but you will respect me as your son-in-law."

"Dad please, I want you two to get along." Bria pleaded.

David prolonged his response , shaking his head and scratched his head before opening his mouth to speak. 

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