...Who am I?

She didn't know why she was pondering this question, or what relevance it had to what's going on. Was she questioning her validity as a person? Was she regretting becoming the person she is now? No, that wasn't it at all. It had nothing to do with the transition... She was questioning whether or not she was still her, or some replicant of Pete and Joseph. And that, she never wanted to become.

Ten minutes passed by quickly. Max found herself so lost in thought over absolutely nothing that she had failed to comprehend that someone was knocking on the door. She thrusted herself off the couch and walked over slowly, cracking the door open to see Josh, who was soaking wet. Actually, it was pouring outside and she didn't even realize.

"O-oh." she squeaked out. She quickly let Josh inside. "Did you walk here or something?"

"No, I drove, but the parking lot is a little too far away from the building, and I didn't have an umbrella."

"Oh, I'm sorry. Let's get you dried off, okay?" She went into her bathroom and grabbed a towel for him. When she handed it to him, he didn't take it at first. Instead, he felt the material to see if he liked it before taking it. "You should take your clothes off so I can clean them for you."

"But what if you don't any spare clothes for me?"

"Don't worry, I do. Just get undressed, okay?"

Josh raised his eyebrow for a moment before deciding not to protest. When did she ever buy spare clothes for him? Then again, they were dating, so it'd only be natural for her to have something for him, right? She stood in front of him with a half smile as Josh stared at her.

"What are you waiting for?" She asked, chuckling softly.

"You're still in the room." She blinked for a moment before realizing what he meant. She apologized and walked out of the bathroom, closing the door and waiting outside. Josh came out five minutes later, his body a little cold from his wet clothes. He had on the clothes Max bought in secret for him, and it fit him perfectly.

"How is everything?"

"It's fine. It feels like my clothes."

She smiled at him before taking his clothes and towel and throwing them in her dirty laundry basket. She sat down on the bed and invited him to sit with her, to which he did curiously.

"Why did you want me to come over?"

"I wanted to try something."

"What's that?"

"Well, are you a virgin?"


"Want to not be one anymore?" Max giggled at her own question as Josh raised his eyebrow again. His mind was trying to register what exactly she just asked. He looked down at the ground with a confused expression before looking back over at her.

"You... And me?" He said slowly, pointing between the two of them.

"Yeah. The two of us. We're dating, after all."

"...No one's ever asked me to do this with them before."

"Well, then I guess today's your lucky day!" She chirped happily. "We'll try it just once, okay?" Josh nodded slowly, although he really didn't know what to do. Sure, porn existed, and he's seen it, but doing it was completely different. "I'll take things nice and show, okay? Just... Just enjoy it."

She patted the pillows on her bed and he slowly crawled over, letting out a small "Oof" when his head landed on the pillow. She smiled down at him and pulled off his beanie, petting his hair gently, which made him daze out and just focus on the feeling of her fingers combing through his hair. He was so adorable, and he was all hers.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2022 ⏰

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